Hello all.  Well here we are mid February.  Winter is waning here in Utah, with temperatures are climbing into the 50’s and all of the snow almost gone.  Here is where I have issues with winter.

Dogs in Grange Park, Toronto, Canada.

Dogs in Grange Park, Toronto, Canada. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Now, I don’t mind the cold, or the snow, what I mind is the pending spring, and all of the mud and gunk that goes with it.  I hate letting the dogs out for a bathroom break and when they come in, they need a bath.  The dog park is mud, the kid parks are mud, and it is not warm enough for the lakes to be melted off for fishing.  Don’t get me started on ice fishing, it is irrelevant here.

And then there is the weather itself.  Cold at night, warmer in the day.  The kids decide not to bother with things like jackets in the mornings because it is warm in the afternoon.  Then it decides to rain and they are home sick.  And then they bring home something from school and get everyone else sick.  Then we start to get better and get sick again.  It is a vicious cycle.

Any guesses as to what we are dealing with here in my household?????  yea, it is like that.  I can’t wait for April to be over so it can dry out and warm up.  How about anyone else?  Comments are open below….