I got all of my stuff together today did my taxes.  I guess it’s just me but I don’t think it is that big of a deal.  I do use one of the online preparation things and efile but it is not that bad to do .  I guess it will be harder if I ever have to use more than the standard deduction.

Long and the short, taxes done, refund on the way, didn’t die doing it.  It makes me wonder about some people though.  Those who don’t pay their taxes and end up in prison.  Why?  Like I said, mine are easy, I know others are more complex and there are a myriad of laws that govern them.

Accountants have a job this season that’s for sure.  And if you win $1,000,000 on survivor, the government gets half.  That is not new!  People have been joking about that forever.

This post sucks.  Bottom line, do your taxes as early as you can unless you have to pay.  Stay out of jail.  The IRS is a bunch of ruthless Nazi’s if they want your money.

I promise a better post tomorrow.
