Today I am reviewing a new ebook by my new friend, Jeff Goins.  He is a writer.  He wants to bring out the writer in all of us.  Check him out at, subscribe to his email, read his blog, he is infectious!

Anyway, I volunteered to review his new book because I thought we would help each other.  I want to get back into the groove and write like I did before, and Jeff’s book is jut the thing to do it with.  Besides, he is looking to sell his book, and if I can help a brother make some coin, I will!

For full disclosure and all of that, I received a free review copy of the book from Jeff to write this review with.  You know, in the past, I used to think that review copies of books meant that the book was an excerpt or unfinished.  I have been proven wrong over the years.  Especially with this book.  I found it well thought out, organized and full of the information that I need for me right now. Continue reading