Ralph Waldo Emerson

Image via Wikipedia

Hello all. I bet you thought the title of this post was one of those fake scarcity things or that my blog was going to be gone in 15 minutes. Not even close. If you have ever heard of Seth Godin, and let’s face it if you are into internet business anywhere you probably have, he started a little trend a while ago called the Domino Project. All of the details are on Amazon.com (my amazon affiliate link not domino project).

He started with a Kindle book called “Poke the Box” and the project has grown. Check out the details for yourself HERE. One of the latest pieces of the domino project has to do with Ralph Waldo Emerson. They are running a 30 day writing challenge at http://ralphwaldoemerson.me/ You sign up here and commit to creating something over the next 30 days. See the trends on Twitter: #Trust30.
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