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Hello folks.  I did a little experiment over the last few days involving Twitter.  Oh and if you don’t already, you can follow me at @dboguejmatthews.  So the experiment I did was this:  I had an item on eBay that I really wanted to sell.  There had been interest and some page views on eBay but I wanted to see what happened if I used Twitter to promote the item.

So I wrote a nice tweet with a link to the item on eBay and Boom!  Tons of new page views.  I checked every 10 seconds for a minute and there were several jumps in views, but after a minute, 60 seconds that is, the views were finished.

There was literally a lull after 60 seconds.  So, my conclusion was that a tweet is only good for a moment.  If you tweet, don’t expect it to get hits for you all day long.  You may have a little here and a little there but after the first minute, it is pretty much done.

I did this experiment several times over the course of the auction listing.  The results were the same nearly every time.  Retweets are important to keep things going.  Tweeting again and again without being obnoxious is the hard part.  I think that Twitter really does have a great use in promotion, it should not be your only source either.

Remember, 60 seconds is about as long as that tweet lasts in the river of Twitter.

Have a great day!



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