Oddities, Profundities, Profanities and Dad Stuff

Category: Observations (Page 7 of 24)

Poop or Brownies?

Image via Wikipedia

**editors note, for some reason this didn’t post Monday or Tuesday and I didn’t check it.  Pretend it is Monday to read this.  You could then pretend it is Friday and get a head start on the weekend.**

This title sounds like some sort of bizarre philosophical question but it is really more like a game show.  This is the sleep deprived thought that came into my head last night.  Why would this come into my head?  Well, that is what I intend to regale you with today.

Yesterday was Superbowl Sunday.  Due to a variety of circumstances including kids, church, scout meetings and just general noise, I have yet to view all of the commercials that are so lauded during the game itself.  The game was pretty good though.  I will report on the commercials maybe tomorrow after I look them up online.

As a part of Superbowl Sunday, as everyone should know, there is food.  Copious amounts of food, layered in salsa and jalapenos.  I actually made a turkey on Saturday and we had sandwiches.  It was pretty good.  For dessert, and here is where the point starts, my wife made brownies.  She even looked up a new recipe just for me.

See, I like the fudgy type brownies while she usually likes the cake style.  She made fudgy.  And they were good.  “Is there a real point, and when does he get to the poop?” you may be asking yourself.  It is coming I promise.

The family also gets to eat dessert of course.  If you have forgotten, or are not here from my other domain, I have 4 kids aged 11, 8, 5 and 19 months.  My story now centers on the 19 month old.  You can probably guess the direction now.  I went to change the babies diaper and there were little brown balls all over his pants and diaper.

Some of them I was not sure exactly where the brownie ended if you know what I mean.  I didn’t try any.  So, I got the kid changed and had this great idea for a game show or at least a sketch on SNL.  Behind a glass wall there is a plate of brown.  Behind another is another plate of brown.  Both look almost the same and the trick is to choose….Poop or Brownie?  Debate as long as you want and then you have to eat.  Could be one of those Japanese game shows where you pick wrong and not only have to eat but get a shot to the gonads as well.

Anyway, just some random thoughts of a deranged mind.  I am eagerly waiting for the wacked out things I come up with when I go off of these meds again.

Thanks for reading.


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Whirlwind Weeks and Catching Up

Well folks last week was a mess.  I don’t really want to get into the journal or this is why I need to be coddled trap, but let’s just say last week was, well, a mess.

My Son was born on July 1st as I have documented on here, and then we spent 4 days in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit.  It would have been 14 for antibiotics if my daughter who had the kidney transplant didn’t decide to get an infection herself.  Anytime a transplant patient gets a fever over 103.5 degrees, they worry.  And then they admit to the hospital.

We were lucky that we could get my son transferred to the childrens hospital to at least be in the same building as my daughter.  I didn’t get much done over the week however.  I finally got my computer up there on Wednesday night and was able to do a bit of work and even record a podcast but good grief I am behind.

I did however come up with some good ideas for posts in the near future.  I even started a new ebook that I am planning on giving away with my email list.  I am excited about it, but I need a new title.  I googled my title and got a couple of older blog posts out there.  I don’t want anyone to feel ripped off.

Well here we are then, another week of blogging and creating and no worries about last week.  I am sorry about Fiction Saturday though, you guys are getting ripped off the last month with that one.  There will be more story this week I promise!

Thanks for reading and sticking around, I will have more pics of the new baby on my pics page, check it out!


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Up and Disappear

I was cleaning out my email the other day and came upon an old message from a system to, well, make money.  Yes I had purchased it.  I didn’t know then the marketing tricks that get used to get newbie bloggers to spring for the system.

It was a system that started at $47 and kept reducing every time I hit the cancel button.  I know We all have been there before.  I didn’t know what I was doing officer I swear!  So I clicked down enough that I end up at $7.  I figured, this could be a great deal to make some money and bought it.

Now I know better, and see that the only person making money was the guy selling the product.  I tried to log into the links from several emails of this course and the site no longer exists.  Not one link worked.  I could only find one reference to it on the net, and it was a sales page for the same course!  I am very confused.

My only course of action was to give up and neglect to eat that combo meal.  I deleted all of the e-mails.  Now I don’t feel bad about that, it just had to be done.  But think of this, if everyone ended up disappearing who would be left?

The greatest blogs and empires have not gone into the nothing and let the world pass them by, they have stood strong and received the followings that they deserved.  That is where every one of us should be working towards.  If you are running a website or a blog or whatever entrepreneurial pursuit you are working on, stay strong, don’t up and dissappear.  Eventually someone will be pissed off at you.

Go do something good today.


A new Pastime: Geocaching!

Geocache Pfalz Werla in Deutschland.

Image via Wikipedia

Hello folks.  So it is tax time again and many of you will be cursing the IRS very soon, if you have not done so already.  For myself, we did fairly well with a decent sized refund.  A good chunk of that we spent redoing our kitchen, but some we spent on one of those fancy GPS units.  I wanted one that would be good for hunting and the outdoors, and then we got into a new hobby.  Geocaching.  It is a kick in the pants frankly.  You use your fancy GPS and the Geocaching.com website to go and find small plastic things to write your name on.

It is a great treasure hunt and sometimes there are prizes to trade for in the cache.  It is a great family friendly way for us to get out into the outdoors and running around.  My kids love it and so do I.
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