Oddities, Profundities, Profanities and Dad Stuff

Category: writing (Page 3 of 23)

An Exciting New Adult Paranormal Thriller: Empath (Flawed #1) Book Release and Giveaway

Empath eBook cover SM

**This is a special guest post by Becca Campbell.  My review will be coming in the near future.**

I’m very excited to announce the release of my latest New Adult novel Empath, the first book in the Flawed Series. Read on to find out more about this paranormal thriller and be sure to enter the giveaway at the end for an awesome prize package.

The Struggle of an Empath

Supernatural empathy isn’t a gift, it’s a curse. Anywhere she goes, Jade’s emotions are replaced by those of the people around her.

Jade grew up in a suburb of Colorado Springs, protected from other people by her parents. Now she faces college—and the world—with nothing to shield her from unwanted feelings.

When Cam, a classmate with a major crush on her unintentionally hijacks her emotions, Jade struggles to keep from being carried away in feelings of attraction. When Ethan, a psychopath with a thirst for fear, fixates on her, the emotional impact could be lethal.

Caught in a deadly trap, Jade must untangle the emotions and find a way to use her empathic curse to overcome this killer or be overcome by him.

Empath eBook Now Available

Get your ebook copy now at any of these sites (paperback copies are not yet available, but coming soon!):


Amazon US | Amazon UK | Amazon CA | Barnes & Noble

Kobo | iTunes (coming soon!)

Prize Package Giveaway

To celebrate the release, I’m running a giveaway for two lucky winners.

Grande Prize:

A rare, autographed proof copy of the paperback

A 12″ X 18″ poster of the cover art

Empath notebook
Empath notebook

Empath collector’s button

Empath button prize copy

Second Prize:

An autographed paperback copy


a Rafflecopter giveaway

IMG_9817 a lowresBecca J. Campbell is the author of the New Adult Romantic Science Fiction novels Foreign Identity and Gateway to Reality, and Sub-Normal, a series of short stories. An avid lover of stories that tiptoe the line between fantasy and reality (even when they plunge off one side or the other), Becca looks for new angles on bridging the gap between the two. She holds a special place in her heart for any story that involves superpowers or time travel. Her passion is defying the limits of her own creativity. You can find her on her Author Blog, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Pinterest, and Amazon

The things we do….

Delete key
Image via Wikipedia

Have you noticed how many anodynes there are laying around on the floor?  I know, the next question is WTF????  ok so this is yet another way to try and make some cash.  If you have ever signed up for one of those sites that hopefully will pay you to write?  Well they like to make sure that you own the site.  and this is the way they do it.

You get to put some strange sentence on a post so that they can verify it.  You can delete it afterwards, but it has to be there.  I ahve done some like this before, and deleted the post, leaving a gaping hole in my site where the RSS feed would like to shove something.  So I decided that this time, I would leave the sentence.  and build a post around it.

I am still a writer damn it and even if I am slow at it, I still come up with some great ideas.  One of these days, many more of those ideas will see the light of day.  For example, right now I have 20 posts in draft (read idea form) on this site.  There are many more on my other sites.

Eventually you all will be rewarded with the wonderful musings from my mind.  And the end of the Man With The Hazy Suit, My buddy Bob reminded me that it was still unfinished and at least he was waiting for the end.  I kind of gave up.  I will get that done and out as an ebook.  Maybe an audio book.  Maybe with a golden goose attached.

Ok, you all can send me a golden goose, I could really use one of those eggs right now.  Which brings up another very unrelated question that I would like some opinion on.  If the goose laid golden eggs, were they solid gold as we are lead to believe, or do they have the makings of an omlette inside?  Hmmmm…

anyway, there is too much rambling going on now and I have to go to the eye doctor.  See you all later.


Simpleton finds The Golden Goose: illustration...

Image via Wikipedia

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On Guest Posts and the Community of Blogistan.

Today my first guest post ever will be posted (if it isn’t already) on Carlos’ site, Conscious Me.com.  I am very excited for this, it is a review of my experience with the Pre-Writing challenge.  It is now the first of April and I am officially 4 days away from completing my third month of blogging!

What a time it has been.  During these past months, I have met several people who have helped me make my blog better, and several whom I consider my friends in Blogistan.  My name is out into the aether so much more than ever before and it is the result of being all over the net and doing things that I would never have considered before.

I have joined, completed and guest posted on the Pre-Writing Challenge.  That is destined to be an annual event, an ebook and its own site.  Quite probably it will be a paid mentoring program in the future.  I hope to be a part of that.  I have developed quite a good relationship with Carlos as well as others in the challenge.

I have started another blog with Ralph called Cantankerous Old Coots, where we have a good time  ranting about how life has become too sissified.

I have been asked to help Dave Doolin over at Website In A Weekend with some tips for WordPress themes and a case study about using that theme to build another site.

I have (hopefully) helped some other bloggers with motivation and technical details.  I have received some very nice words from some big time bloggers like Robert Bravery who have helped build traffic on my blog.

There are several people that I interact with on Twitter and through email.  I may never talk to some people more than once or twice but there is that interaction and hopefully a connection that continues.  I am looking forward to meeting Josh Hanagarne from World’s Strongest Librarian after I found out that he lived near me.

I have had help from many different people.  I have had encouragement.  I have invested in courses and gleaned free information that has grown my blog.  I am very excited to be part of a community like this and I hope I can give back as much value as I have gained.  Thank you all, now go read my guest post.

When you are finished with that, go read Cantankerous Old Coots. That is all.


PS the FCC requires me to tell you that by reading this, you are being infected with a virus that will cause clowns to dance wildly around your screen at undetermined intervals.  And it will steal all of the MP3’s you have on your hard drive.  If you have a problem with this, look at a calendar and derive a connection.

Get on over to the CCC!

Hello there!  Today I wanted to write about a great little site that I go t introduced to by Aaron Pogue over at Unstressed Syllables.

If you are a writer and haven’t checked out Aaron’s stuff, do it.  He is very talented at teaching writing, which is good seeings as how he teaches writing on the college level too.  He also has an incredibly easy to use ebook out about how to write an ebook!  It is called How To Build An Ebook (affiliate link).  Check it out, you will be impressed.  I have another post that my lazy butt has to write about this book.

But today, I want to talk about the CCC, which is the Creative Copy Challenge.  This Site is run by Shane Arthur and he is a nut for some good writing.  Every Monday and Thursday he posts a new challenge.  Yesterday, May 20, he posted #42.  what you get is a list of 10 words or short phrases that you are challenged to “create a cohesive, creative short story tying all the words together!”

Sounds daunting doesn’t it?  Honestly I don’t think so.  I have been waiting for the words to be posted  and then writing my stories.  It has been kind of wild to see where my story goes based on inspiration from some randomly selected words.   What is really interesting is how many different ways that authors work with the same 10 words.

I started writing over there just for fun but it is addictive and I just keep doing more.  There are short self contained stories, there are really short works that ONLY use the challenge words, and then there are some silly people that feel compelled to put up a new chapter for their novel twice a week.

I am almost one of those.  Mine are not as long as Aaron’s up there but they are coming.  There are a few people in the challenge that are writing long stories, still using the challenge words but building on what has come previously.  Shane has graciously put up a page linked to each persons longer story so it can be read all at once.

Some others, like me, have created their own sites to show off all of the challenges.  You can see all of my stuff at my original Blog at http://delphiusbogue.wordpress.com.

Head on over to the Creative Copy Challenge and check it out.  If you have writers block this can help force you to write something.  If you just want to put something out to the world that has nothing to do with your blog, do it.  If you want to read some great stories head on over and do it.  There are some good things going on over there.  Just be warned, it is addictive.  The FDA may have to regulate it at some point.

Have a great day!


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