Oddities, Profundities, Profanities and Dad Stuff

Category: writing (Page 8 of 23)

Christmas and ADD

First of all I don’t have add.  Officially that is.  It does seem like this time of year many people do have it though.  There are days when I start to go crazy at all of the blinky lights and songs that are the same.  If I hear 12 days of christmas again somebody dies.  Slowly.  I know I have been keeping a list in my pocket of what I have bought for people, what I have yet to buy, what is being shipped in, and what I have figured out that I am getting from my family.  It is all very all over the place random and overwhelming at times.  I can’t wait until the 26th when most of the chaos is finished and I can get to putting away Christmas for another year.  I do love christmas but it gets long and by the time New Years gets here, I am so done with it.  Not as bad as Halloween.  I do love Halloween and all of the decorations but I’ll tell you, the past 2 years decorations are coming down after the trick or treaters leave.  Here! Take some spider web you little &%*@.  But I digress….

Happy Holidays



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Fiction Saturday! Today A Poem!

Hello Folks!  Well today I have something slightly different for you.  For various reasons, including my sons birthday, my regular fiction Saturday needs a change.  There is not an episode of The Man in the Hazy Suit today.

But, in order to not fill you up with crap or something that doesn’t have any heart, I have dug out one of my favorite poems.  I wrote this poem a few years ago and it is still one of my favorite things that I have ever written.  Please enjoy.

Who casts his fly upon the waters,

A patient Man is he.

Waiting through storms, the winds,

While wading in the Stream.

Who casts his fly upon the waters,

Is hoping for a dream,

A Rise, a Strike, a Fighting Fish

Taken from the Stream.

Who casts his fly upon the waters,

Imitation is his aim,

As he strives for natural perfection,

To ever cast, and play the game.

Who casts his fly upon the waters,

And waits for fish to rise,

Will toil countless hours away,

Under natures azure skies.

Who casts his fly upon the waters,

And wonders what it means,

Will solve what ails, his truth prevail,

Walking further up the Stream.

Who casts his fly upon the waters,

In harmony is he,

The Land, the Brook, the Man, the Fish,

Content to just let be.

Who casts his fly upon the waters,

And reels in trophy fish,

Releases same, to swim again,

Knowing all is worth the risk.

Who casts his fly upon the waters,

A patient Man is he.

Waiting through storms, the winds,

While wading in the Stream.

Have a great weekend everyone!


Fiction Saturday 3! The Man in the Hazy Suit Part 8

**Hey folks this is a reprint of part 8 of The Man With the Hazy Suit that originally ran on July 24, 2010.  I have been few and far between regular posts this summer, and that is the same thing that has killed some of my favorite TV shows, like Alias.  So I am going to rerun the whole story and finish it strong!  Thanks for reading for the first time or rereading if you have been here before.  The Choose your own adventure aspect is not available anymore.**

Hey folks Here is the next chapter in the story!  I hope you are still entertained and interested!

Previously in the Man in the Hazy Suit:

Police detective Thompson was wrapping up a crime scene when he found a scrap of paper in the dead man’s posessions. The paper led him to the bus station and a locker that was filled with legal pads, all written by the deceased man.  Sergeant Thompson is currently reading the legal pads which are spelling out a strange narrative and a chronicle of a serial killers murders, that somehow the man writing the story knows before they happen, if only by moments.  So far our writer has witnessed several deaths with apparently more to come.  Strange coincidences surround the narrator having to do with the Man in the Hazy Suit, leading to paranoia and a wonder as to the outcome of his sanity.

When we left our story last time:

I sat up shaking yet again.  I tried to assimilate what I had just seen.  I got up and went to the radio on the floor in the hall.  It had been placed back on the shelf and on top of it were a set of lockpicks.  I screamed and ran for the front door.  I almost made it, but a miscalculation caused me to slip and hit my head rather solidly on the counter, leaving a nasty gash for my trouble.

I woke up in a small pool of blood on the kitchen floor sometime later.  The angle of the sun said late afternoon.  I scooted to a corner in the kitchen and huddled in on myself, scared to look further into this strange Man in an even stranger Hazy Suit.

And today we join our story already in progress:

Finally I fell asleep huddling in the corner of the kitchen.  Passed out is more like it.  I began to have another confounded dream.  I hoped that this one would be the simple, flying in a field of clover or falling off of a cliff, or well, anything that didn’t have to do with a man in a Hazy Suit.

It began in the library at the college again.  Night had fallen.  Finals were only a few weeks away so the library was open all night.  I was wandering through the study tables by myself thankfully.  Faces of people that I knew flashed in and out of the small circles of light given off by the reading lamps.

I wandered aimlessly for a while, overhearing snippets of conversations that I couldn’t remember 5 seconds later, until one caught my attention.  There was a party going on up on the 5th floor.  I decided to check it out.  Only seconds later I was walking out of the elevator and into a party of loud music and flashing lights.  There was no studying going on here.

I smiled and began to wander the floor.  I moved through people dancing very inappropriately and those trying not to vomit on themselves.  I flowed from one spot to the next with a grace that I had never possessed in real life.  I looked down at myself and blinked at my stylish clothes.  I didn’t even own a pair of khaki pants or a blue striped shirt.

I could hear and see everyone but no one acknowledged me.  I knew it was a dream but I was still excited to be part of the party.  I made my way to the center of the room and around the temporary walls that they had erected.

There was basically a tent in the middle of the library.  All lined with dark silk and flashing neon lights.  People moved in a stupor inside the tent, all in various states of undress.  An orgy in the library, and, as I circled the large bed, I saw a gas can on the floor beside it.

The man was here somewhere.  I wasn’t going to let him burn anything down today.  I grabbed the gas can and ran to the other end of the floor trying to get away.  I nearly made it too, but as I rounded the corner to the elevator, The Man in the Hazy Suit stood there.

Join us again next week for more of The Man in the Hazy Suit!


Break out the bubbly! COB is one year old!

Monkeys Blogging
Image via Wikipedia

hello all of you wonderful readers!  I ahve hit a milestone here at Catharsis of the Bogue.  It was 1 year ago today that I put up my first ever blog post on the internet!  That blog was on WordPress.com at the time and frustrated me because I couldn’t modify it enough and put ads so right after the first of the year I migrated to justinsbrainpan.com.

There have been so many good things to happen over this year.  I have met many many good people and learned so much about Blogging as a whole.  Sometimes I still feel like I am coming in at the tail end of the Blogging thing but other times I am right in the thick of it.

Things have changed around here since those first posts.  Now, there is not so much of a dear diary feeling, and I actually want people to read my stuff.  I think my writing has improved greatly.

I have received much help and suggestions from people who have come and gone during this past year.  I remember when I was celebrating 3 months, and then 6 months and a lot of my friends were only wraiths on twitter and no longer Blogging.

There are people who I have respected and learned a lot from who have decided that Blogging is not what they want to do anymore.  Yes, it is Nathan Hangen but I can only thank him for giving me so much drive and desire to create.  It was his…influence that started me on the podcasting thing.  Thanks Nathan, just one more thing to do.  I still want to blog though.

So what is in store for the future of this site?  For now, business as usual.  There will be some changes coming but they will be a while before implementing.   I never dreamed when I wrote that first “diary entry” that I would be here now, with 3 blogs, 3 partners and all of you readers.  This post will be number 200 on this site.  One of those is a guest post, the rest are mine.  There are also nearly 102,000 words written here, that is a decent sized novel.  And that doesn’t include the podcasts.  There will be more of those, as well as some fiction audio.  I think I am getting myself figured out now.

So, for all of you that have been here from the beginning, Thank You so very much for sticking with me.  For those who have recently come here, or even those who are visiting for the first time today, Thank You very much for being here.  I hope that you all stick with me for the next few years, ’cause I ain’t goin’ no where.

Thanks so much yet again, Poetry will resume next week!


PS the comic up there means “There is nothing about Blogging!”

PPS. I dunno what the bbbwwwoggginngg crap is all about, that showed up on the site but it looks ok in edit mode….Blogging has been replaced..I will have to figure it out later I am taking my daughter to kidney clinic today and that takes a while…sorry for the wierdness

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