Catharsis of the Bogue

Oddities, Profundities, Profanities and Dad Stuff

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Poetry Tuesday: The City

hello Folks, did you miss me?  I am finally getting back on the horse after way too long away.  Today I have a rather cheesy poem that I wrote quite a while ago while playing with some different themes.  This is comedy with some pretty groanable rhymes.  It should at least make you smile.  have a good day and look for an actual post Tomorrow, I am going to switch my day off to Monday because I can’t seem to get anything written for Monday lately.  Of course that goes for the rest of the week as well.

New Schedule: Monday off, Tuesday poetry, Wednesday musings, Thursday podcast or musings, Friday SAHD stuff, Saturday fiction.  Lets see how good I can keep up on it this time!  Thanks for reading, you guys are awesome.


The City,

By Justin Matthews

The dingy grey of the city morn, dulls my senses as someone honks a horn.

I drive and drive looking for a place to park, I’d better hurry or it will be dark!

There’s bums on the sidewalk and beggars in the street, be careful walking or you’ll step on their feet!

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Podcast 16: That’s Enough To Scare You!

Image via Wikipedia

Hey Folks how is October going?  I hope you are getting ready for Halloween, one of my favorite times of the year!  If you need decorations to spook up your crypt, head over to and get yourself some!  use the coupon code  “podcast”  for an extra 10% off our recently reduced prices with  flat rate $4.95 priority mail shipping!

Enough shameless self promotion, onto the podcast!

I would love, scratch that I require your comments below!  My comment section is more barren than a graveyard lately.  It is kind of scary…..


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What happened to the movies of the ’80’s?

Lethal Weapon
Image via Wikipedia

I’ll tell you what happened to them, they ended up in the $5 DVD bin at Wal-Mart.  And some of them are so worth it.  You know, they may be cheesy and dated with hairstyles or lingo but who can deny your favorite movies from when you were younger.

I watched Lethal Weapon the other night and it was just as good as I remember it.  Even though it has been several years since I saw it last.  It got me thinking about so many other movies that I have in my collection that I have not seen for years.  I am going to spend the rest of the week watching movies that are at least 15 years old or more.  I just bought Kelly’s Heroes at Wal-Mart and The Dirty Dozen is sounding really good.

These are all movies with decent stories, or not so decent stories and good action.  They do not have too many special effects and are not related to computers.  Watch Lethal Weapon and laugh at the cell phones.  Watch Wargames and laugh at the computers.  At least they are not Remakes.

One of my favorite movies of all time is Red Dawn.  They are redoing that for next year and I am going to be on the front lines of protesters for that.

Of course The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is streaming on Netflix so I may have to watch that new one.

So, what are some movies that are old favorites of yours that you haven’t seen in a while?  Maybe something from your childhood that you just need to put in and see again?  Let me know, I love movies….

Go watch something good and tell me about it.


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9-11-01…still not forgetting

Hello everyone.  Today a short post, and a gallery of images remembering 9/11/01.  12 years ago today my wife came home from work at about 7:30 in the morning yelling for me to get up.  I thought something was wrong at home.  I jumped out of bed and ran to see what was going on.  There she was frantically looking for CNN on the TV and there was something wrong, just not at home.  The first tower was burning there in New York.  We were in time to see the second plane hit the other tower.  We then spent the rest of the day in front of the TV watching the horror unfold, and all of the people trying to do something to help.  Where were you when this all happened?

No, I haven’t forgotten, I still think about the tragedy once in a while.  I still remember trying to figure out how we could get to New York to help.  I gained a new respect for firefighters that day, and a new respect for those who are willing to jump into action and do what needs to be done.

So, now, a few pictures.  We will not forget, God Bless all of those affected, and God Bless the USA.



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