Catharsis of the Bogue

Oddities, Profundities, Profanities and Dad Stuff

Page 44 of 76

Migraines and Laundry, Which is Worse? part 2

As I started yesterday, This is part 2 of my migraine journey and latest stay at home dad info.  And Journey just came on the radio, Any Way You Want It is AWESOME!  part 1 is Here

Admittedly, laundry sucks and it is not my favorite thing but if I don’t do it, there are no clean clothes.  No, the wife can’t do it, she works and now she is pregnant with number 4 so her energy is gone.  I am not complaining about doing laundry I just don’t like to.  But I went to fold the 3 loads I had washed.  About that time I got what I call the “numb bubble” again.

The numb bubble is one of my migraine clues.  It is not the scientific term but it is my term.  It is a strange feeling, complete numbness in a “sphere” roughly the size of a baseball that moves.  It usually starts in my fingers and “travels” through my hand, up my arm, and through my face.  That is the worst part, it is like being on lots of novacaine but it moves.  And it sucks.

If you just think that a migraine is a really bad headache, there is much more to it, usually.  I have read about migraines lately and there are different types but most have some sort of “aura” associated with them.  That is the type I have.

Since I was about 12 I have had migraines but didn’t have them diagnosed until something like 14 years ago when my girlfriend (now wife of 13 years) the nursing student (now Nurse) told me what my “sickness” actually was.  I used to wake up in the middle of the night with the “numb bubble” in full swing and the visual aura happening.  I would think, “Oh great I am sick again.”  I didn’t know all of what was happening but I knew that I would be throwing up a few times with a bad headache to go with it.  And then I would be fine later.  I believe to this day that my parents thought I was faking because I was better later.

I got medication at the hospital thanks to my girlfriend and from there it has helped to alleviate the symptoms before they led to the vomiting stage.  I still have the numb bubble but much less now, mostly just the visual aura that tells me the migraine is coming.  I have tried to explain that visual aura to people and I think I will try to do it in the next post.



Continue to part 3 Here

The change has happened!

Hey there folks, I hope you are not going crazy with all of the posts that I had this week showing up twice.

I just changed hosting companies and had to rebuild my stuff this week.  So that is where we are today.  this post is short and to the point. will no longer be here after my current contract is up.  I am still going to try and retain it but if I can’t so be it.   So right now, why you are thinking about it, please go click on my donate button and then update your bookmarks.

The new site name will be, well is,   I have forwarded and I also have forwarded.

so remember, new bookmark at

besides, it fits with my site better now anyway.

Thanks for watching, more interesting stuff will be coming!



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What old radio has taught me about writing and imagination

Do you like old radio?  I do.  I love to listen to what was entertainment before Philo T. Farnsworth turned on his brain and invented the television.

I was letting my computer randomize songs and one of these old shows came on.  It happened to be “The Fat Man” from 1946.  This character was one of Daishell Hammett’s creations.  If you don’t know, Daishell Hammett pretty much created the hard boiled detective noir genre.  The Maltese Falcon, and Sam Spade were his, as were many other entries in Black Mask Magazine and several old radio shows.  If you like Dead Med Don’t Wear Plaid, think Daishell Hammett.

Listening to this show, I realized how far entertainment has come whether for good or bad.  In today’s world, there is so much visual and so many things that can be done with special effects that the writing does not have to be very descriptive in relation to old radio.  A director can add or subtract elements to fit what he wants to show and our imagination doesn’t need to work.

In the “old” days, with radio everything had to be presented by the actors, for the imaginations of the masses.  “Theater of the Mind” was bandied about and it truly was.  Writers had to put enough information into their stories that the dialogue and some primitive sound effects could immerse a listener into the world of the writers imagination.

I have come to realize that this most basic lesson of writing is still one of the most important.  Paint the word picture, there are no special effects for books.  Maybe in the future the Kindle will have smells and sounds come out of it but not today.   It is my job as a writer to make you the reader see inside my head.

I have had some difficulty learning this in the past.  I can see my world why can’t you?  Of course the pirates are coming up the hill on the road from the town.  Oh did I forget to mention the town or the hill in the first draft?  Umm, Yea.   I have learned much from the old radio writers about descriptions and dialogue that paints a scene.

If you need something different to listen to, head to the library and look for the books on cd section.  They have a section in there with old radio shows.  Start with War of the Worlds and get into The Shadow, The Fat Man and anything with Arch Obler like Lights Out.  Suspense is a great one too, many starring Vincent Price.

Good luck getting back to the classics


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