If you haven’t figured it out yet, I am a Stay at Home Dad.

I have been a SAHD off and on for the past 14 years, full time for the past 10 years. I have worked a bit at some places over the years and finally, had to stop and be a Dad full time.  My daughter was almost one when she went into kidney failure.  I had just quit my job to go back to school when she got sick.  She spent 16 weeks in the hospital and then 2 years on dialysis.  During that time, I was the one to take her to dialysis 4 times a week, and then many, many doctor visits after her transplant in 2009.

I have been writing and working on the internet since I got my own laptop in 2008, and have built a decent cadre of websites.

If you just want to read about me and my various rantings about life, the universe, and everything stay here on Catharsis of the Bogue.  I also have just revamped my Stay at home Dad Site: homemakerdad.com.  I would really like to get some guest posts and get a network of SAHD’s going.

While that is percolating, you can read my stay at home dad archives here:  http://catharsisofbogue.com/category/stay-at-home-dad/ or check out some of the posts at the bottom.

Have a great day, -Justin

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