Oddities, Profundities, Profanities and Dad Stuff

Tag: blog (Page 5 of 13)

Flight of the Antidepressants


Chemical structure of citalopram.

Image via Wikipedia

Have you ever came up with a good title and then had to figure out what to do with it?  Yea, this post is like that.  Of course, it is somewhat based in my reality.

Brain chemicals are to blame here.  Brain chemicals and the balance between all of them.  Some say it is a fight we could never win, but with modern pharmaceuticals, anything is possible.  Years ago I had a problem with depression.  Some time, a few changes and Prozac helped.  Years went by and I was fine.  Then, back in 2010 I started to recognize some of the same symptoms of that depression again.  Long time readers of this blog may have noticed the sharp decline in this fine piece of work over that summer.

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The Mountains Are Calling and I Must Go.

Image courtesy of  http://www.yosemite.ca.us/library/matthes/john_muir_glacial_theory.html

John Muir is one of my favorites. He was an amazing conservationist and lover of nature. He was also filled with quotes that resonate with me.  Probably my most favorite is the title of this post, “The Mountains are Calling and I Must go.”   Whatever it was he meant by this, it is part of me.  Much like the title to Irving Stones book “Men to Match My Mountains.”  The book is about westward expansion and an interesting read but the title is magical.

Just in case you couldn’t tell, I love the mountains.  I have posts about fishing and there will be more about the outdoors and being in them.  John Muir may be famous for the mountains of Yosemite in California but the Wasatch mountains here in Utah call to me.

I have been spending time in the mountains since I could walk.  I have grown up (partially) in tents and surrounded by trees.  There is a certain peace and awe that you can get in the mountains that you can get nowhere else.

In the most excellent and in my top 3 movies of all time is the film, “Jeremiah Johnson”.  It’s the story of a man who left civilization in the early 1800’s for the mountains.  He left to get away from the politics and city life and make his fortune as a trapper.  I have always wished it could be more of a tutorial than just a movie, but I like my computer too much.  One of the characters in the film has a line, “You can’t cheat the mountain.  Mountain’s got its own ways.”  I think of that every single time I am in the mountains and I am trying to manipulate my environment.  The mountain will make me conform, no matter what I throw at it, in the long run, the Mountain will prevail.

A long introduction to get to this, I can see the mountains from my front door, but they are 20 miles away.  If I think of my blog as a mountain, it is right here at my desk.  My Blog is calling and I must go.  I am sure my wife loves that.  “Not right now, I have to write” is not as eloquent a quote but nonetheless true.  There are obstacles to climb when getting a blog up and running.  There are ways that I want to do things but can’t; forced to conform with HTML code and PHP limitations.

As a blogger I am heading out into a mysterious and only partially explored territory.  Like the mountains in 1800 there is not much known to the general public about blogging.   The term is out there.  The basic idea is in most peoples heads, but few know the intricacies and the path to blogging success.

I am not interested in climbing mountains to reach the summit.  There are too few places to fish up there.  I am looking to get to the top of the blogging mountain though.  I have been running for 2 solid months now and the ever elusive 3rd month is dwindling fast.  That third month is not the summit though, it is just a plateau with a little shop that sells water and local flies.  Wait that is the real mountain, my plateau sells e-books.

My blog is calling and I must go should be on a t-shirt.  Nobody steal that there may be shirts at that plateau shop as well.  My blog is calling and I must go is kind of a mantra that has been in the back of my head while the Mountains are in the front.  My blog is a huge deal to me right now.  I am nurturing and growing it fairly well and I can only hope that it will grow and strengthen to a point where it is as solid and timeless as one of those mountians.

The Mountains are Calling and I must go.  I have Cabin Fever like crazy right now, If it wasn’t so snowy, I think I would be up there tomorrow.  What is really going to be interesting is what kind of posts I end up with from spending time in the mountains with only my digital recorder…


Do you eat the dirty cheese or just post it?

The other day I was cooking hamburgers on the BBQ grill.  Nothing new, I do it all of the time.  I finally get to the end of the process, the time to add cheese.  Me being me, I fumbled one of the pieces of cheese.  I could only stand there and look at that Kraft Single lying there on the ground in front of the grill.  I bent down and picked up the cheese.  As I looked at it, and noticed the bits of dirt and rocks that were on the cheese I had an idea for a blog post.

It is pathetic but I thought “Is it better to just brush off the dirt or go back inside and get a new piece?”  And then, “Hey that would be a good blog post.”  Sad, but I guess it shows my commitment to my blog now.

It didn’t take me very long to toss that piece of cheese and get a new one, but if that was my last piece I would have brushed that sucker off and ate it.

With that mindset I started thinking about blog posts.  If you have a crappy post, do you brush it off and rewrite it or do you scrap it altogether and write a new one.  My thought is that it depends on the post.  I realize that is a cop out but I think there are posts that just need to be scrapped and those that can be resurrected with a good rewrite.

There are posts that all of us have in both categories.  I think that the hardest thing to do is to decide which posts need to be scrapped.  Almost any post can be rewritten and fixed.  I can only hope that any of the posts that I have published up to now are not in that need to be scrapped pile.

What do you all think?  Are there posts in your published file that need to be redone?  I have read many things that advocate revisiting posts that need rewriting, I know I have at least one.  Just don’t change your permalinks.

Any thoughts?  Please comment below!  Also I have started a newsletter!  Please sign up here if you are interested!

Fiction Saturday tomorrow!  Have a great weekend!


PS the cheeseburgers were fantastic….

Finally finishing what should have been done before

Well folks, today I finally finished something that should have been finished many moons ago.  I finally finished my author page on Amazon.

Image representing Amazon as depicted in Crunc...

I have had a book on Amazon since 2011 and a grand total of 1 sale.  Of course, there could be no sales with no promotion.  I have neglected my career for too long.

Something has changed lately.  I am making myself.  I have been timid and hiding for far too long.  Now, I have 2 books on Amazon.  They are both listed at .99 but free to borrow on Amazon Prime.  Of course, you can get a free copy of “The Blogging Mindset” by joining my email list over there in the right sidebar.  I can count on one hand how many emails I have sent the past year, so there will not be a ton of mail from me.

English: Downtown Oklahoma City from the south...

English: Downtown Oklahoma City from the southeast. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Anyway, I have actually published on Amazon.  This is big for me.  I am stealing publishing and marketing ideas from The Consortium, an Oklahoma City based publishing house run in part by my (hold on, name drops here) friends Aaron Pogue, Courtney Cantrell, and Becca Campbell.  (links are to their respective blogs)

Now, another part of my empire is AnvilForge Press.   I will have to work hard on this over the next few months.  A new site, better copywriting, better promotion.  It’s all in the works.  Now I only have to write some more books to line the virtual shelves with.

Again, this cycle of writing and working has come, and you all can benefit from it.  I have had interest in finishing “The Man in the Hazy Suit” and I think I will republish it on here in it’s first form for some Fiction Saturday fun.  Then I am going to rewrite the thing and AnvilForge Press will publish it.

I also have other books in the works that I can only hope will rival Harry Potter and spring me to stardom.  In the meantime, I blog.  Today you should be reading a Stay at Home Dad post, but I had to get this out.  Next week, there will be theme days.  Maybe I will even write some new Poetry for Tuesday.

Hide and Watch.  And just in case you need to buy something from Amazon, please click through my link over there in the sidebar and help me keep this boat floating.  It doesn’t cost you anything extra.

Thanks for reading.


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