Oddities, Profundities, Profanities and Dad Stuff

Tag: kids (Page 5 of 7)

News flash: The Ball is still a good toy!

Colorful Super ball, home

Image via Wikipedia

There are some people out there who would cringe at the thought of giving a kid a toy that was not filled with batteries or circuitry.  There are times I am not sure if there is anything but an electronic toy still available.  It seems darn near everything has a battery in it.

My kids have an unplugged Sunday every week.  It seems to be fairly good at making them realize there is more to the world than electronics.  this said by the man sitting in front of the laptop.  Anyway, I have been watching my youngest son a lot lately.  He needs to be watched as he is only 20 months old.

But here is the thing, he picks up a lot of things to play with.  He does play with the other kids gameboys, and he likes the TV, but his favorite toy is a ball.  A simple rubber ball.  He doesn’t care if it is the cow one, the princess one, the blue one, the pink one or the football.  He rolls the ball and laughs and laughs.  There is nothing in the world that is worth more than a childs unconditional joy.

It got me thinking though, why have we lost so much of our ability to play with something simple?  2000 BC, Og picked up a rock that was round and tossed it to his kid.  The kid pushed it back, and laughed.  This went on for hours until Oog came by and saw how much fun they were having so he joined in.  Pretty soon everyone was playing.  Years later we have inflated rubber balls.  And all was good.

Go out and roll a ball.  Pick up a stick and throw it, make it a sword, a magic wand, a hammer.  Watching a 1 year old play with simple objects is fun to watch.  It really makes you think and try to get some of that ultimate joy back in your life.

Just something to think about.


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Everybody’s Favorite Game….Bingo!

It was interesting this week.  We went to visit my Great Aunt in the retirement home.

After a bit, the kids were restless so we went walking around this new place and they were just starting the daily bingo tournament.  Of course my kids sat right down (after they were invited) and started not only playing but helping the elderly ladies mark their cards.

It was fun for them and fun for the other residents.  I got talking with my other Aunt (who was there visiting as well) about Bingo and how much everyone seems to like this, well, mindless game.


Bingo Card Sample

It is just too much fun to put a marker on a board and yell out “OGNIB!” when you win.  Wait, that is just me.  Most people yell “BINGO!”

I don’t know what it is about this game that brings people together so easily.  Maybe it is the simplicity, maybe it is the prizes, but I do know that EVERYONE seems to like it.

We play when we go to Kidney Kamp for my daughter. (I won some good stuff last year).  We play at family parties.

Our family went and bought the deluxe set a few years ago to play on Christmas and or New Years eve.  That is fun, we go to the dollar store and pick up whatever wacky things we can get for the kids and then play a combination of Bingo and white elephant for them.  I got some floor cleaner a couple of years ago and we still have the Scooby Doo soap dispenser in the bathroom.  But I digress.


Years ago, we would go to the Christmas Bingo party that my wife’s grandmother hosted.  There we would endure her Uncles bad jokes and win ceramics painted by Grandma.  Amazingly, most of those jokes have remained with us as we play now along with the “B14” accent that appears in Exit to Eden.  But that is another post.

And now we come into the 21st century and have more Bingo than we can stand.  Retirement centers, bingo halls, and even online.  I Googled Bingo and got over 153 million results.  Go Figure.  From Bingo.com to Cheekybingo to bingozone.com you can play online and win real money.  I am sure that is illegal here in Utah.  But still fun to play.

I think I am going to have to get a Bingo App now and play in my free time.  Maybe I had better not.  If I start playing online or on my Android I will get even less done than I do now.  I will just have to be content to play at family parties and Kidney Kamp for now, and later when I have to have someone else’s kids help me in the retirement home.

English: Software used for calling the bingo b...

What do you all think?  I love the Bingo, how about you?  should we get some sort of Online Catharsis of the Bogue Bingo tournament going?  Hmmmm….

Share your Bingo memories or stories in the comments below!

Until next time,


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What Do You Mean? I Have Kids?

I have been trying to decide how bad it is to wake up with Disney songs in my head. Not any of the traditional songs from any movie but one from a princess collection DVD that we have. I don’t believe that it has even been played since dialysis almost a year ago!

My point is this: how much time are we devoting to the minutiae that encompasses our kids lives? I know that most stay at home parents will know their kids fairly well. Nuances of speech and mannerisms can tell you more about your child than you realize. For those who work, how much do we actually know about those nuances and can we recognize them?

Very simply, the more time we spend with our kids, the better we willknow them. Sure there are logistics involved and places to run to and things that have to be done. Sometimes, spending “time” with the kids is running them around in the car. How well can you observe them while driving?

One of my favorite things to do is to watch them play outside. And by watch them I mean from inside the house. I haven’t used binoculars yet but I am not above it. Just watching them play by themselves gives you wonderful insight into their developing personalities.

One of my most favorite memories is of my son. He was barely 4 and had received a red wagon for his birthday. There is a small hill in our front yard and seeing him run up and down that hill, dragging that wagon for all he was worth and smiling ear to ear was one of the best things I had ever seen. I watch him now playing on the swings in the backyard and playing with the dog and I have one of those warm fuzzy feelings. The same feeling you get from a Norman Rockwell painting or one of those TV shows from the 50’s where life is idyllic and nothing can go wrong. What did I learn? The boy like to run and tow things. He has several trucks tied together so they can “tow like a trailer”. I let him help hook up the trailer when we go camping and he is fascinated by the interplay of hitch ball and coupler, let alone the safety chains.

Quick, when did your child learn to whistle? Time’s up. My older daughter still can’t. My son tries but doesn’t get much going. My 3 year old learned while on dialysis. She taught herself because Mickey Mouse was whistling and she wanted to try. It was almost embarrassing for the doctors to bring all of their colleagues around because this little 2 year old (at the time) could whistle.

It has been said so many times now that it is cliche. “Kids grow up so fast!” Cliche but true. My 9 year old lost a tooth last night and informed us this morning that she has lost 20 teeth because she has all of the golden dollar coins that she has received from the tooth fairy. She is saving for a pony. She is also sneaky. She writes quizzes to the Tooth Fairy and demands answers. I am just glad the Tooth Fairy answers her queries with the same enthusiasm that Santa Claus does.

My wife and I decided long ago that we would not push our kids into things that we wanted them to do unless they wanted to as well. We also decided that we would watch and see what they gravitated towards and nudge them that way.

My oldest has always loved animals but may want to be a Nurse like Mom. She is spending a week with my sister the vet tech on their farm this summer to learn more about taking care of animals. She is also writing a story that I am going to explore in another post. I may have her blogging by Independence Day!

My Son is almost 7 now but loves anything with wings or wheels. He wants to fly in the Navy. He also wants to drive fast. Personally I think he should be a NASCAR mechanic. We will have to see with him.

My 3 year old will probably end up in the medical field. She has a doctor set and doctors everyone just like she was doctored in the hospital. We have all had dialysis and transplants. She has dolls with kidney scars. Of course, she would love to be Belle, Cinderella, Snow White, or Sleeping Beauty as well. There is time.

Think of your kids. Do you know what radio stations they listen to? Do you know what movies they are liking as they grow up? My Wife and I are bad influences, Star Wars and Indiana Jones are among the kids favorites now.

Last preachy point. Observe your kids. Hang out at your computer and let them interact with each other, but watch them. Learn their intricacies. Play up their strong points. Help them with their weak points. Above all, Love Them Like There is No Tomorrow. They grow up so fast.

SAHD Friday: The Time Is Now, It’s All You Get

Hey everyone, I hope you are jazzed for the weekend.  I know I have been neglecting my Fiction Saturday lately, so I am sorry.  Tomorrow will be no different.  I am heading out to Kidney Kamp with my kids so I am going to run all of the Man with the Hazy suit posts and then end it with a bang in a couple of weeks!

As for today, it is stay at home dad time.  I realized some thing this week.  Actually I have been observing it for 2 months now, but I am finally writing about it.  What I am talking about is my new son.  As I sit and hold him or play with him now that he is learning how to smile and laugh, I realize that there is never going to be another time just like this one.

I thought back to my other 3 kids and realized the same thing.  There were several points that I needed to remember, that was all I got.  Even with Amelia’s dialysis and transplant, there were several things that were so worth remembering.  How she acted while all of these horrible things were being done to her and how tolerant a one year old could be.  There is another post about that later.

What I wanted to bring up is this little sound clip, Amelia speaks mouse.  She was 2 when I recorded this becasue she loved to sit and watch “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse” during the 4 hours of dialysis.  This is a time I can’t get back, but I have a record of it.  Pictures and even video provide that same memory jog that is needed, because that moment is only here right then.

Like I started with, I was thinking of this post when I was watching my newborn son, right after he fell asleep in my arms.  I studied the patterns of his sparse hair, the cadence of his breathing, the set of all of the wrinkles and fold of his face.  I was totally into just that moment.  Another time in a very similar situation my wife asked if I wanted her to take him and I said no, this was a time to just be here, because he would never be that exact age again, doing those exact things.

These first two months of a new baby have really made me look at how my life was spinning.  That new baby forced me to slow down.  He forced me to sit in a chair and hold him without a mouse in the other hand or the soft glow of the monitor to illuminate the night.  I watched more movies during this time than I have in the past 2 years.

These are all times I would never change.  These are the times I am so thankful that I am a stay at home dad.  These are the times when I pray that I will be able to continue to stay home and watch my kids grow.  I have always been close to them but there were the times when they would do something fantastic and I was at work.  There were also the times when I was right there.

Like the time Leatha, my oldest (now 10!) showed up just outside of the kitchen when I walked out.  She was just barely standing a couple of days previous, and I looked for my wife to be right there, but she was on the couch across the room.  Leatha had walked all be herself across the room.  I turned her around and sent her back to Mom, and I saw her independence start.  I can’t forget that moment even should I want to.

This is part where I get preachy.  This is the time to look into your kids personality.  This is the time to be with them and memorize the freckles that come in when they play in the sun.  There will never be another time just like right now.  If you keep putting off the time investment, saying I will do it tomorrow, you will lose out.  There will not be those cute kids learning how to talk and walk.  There will not be the chance to look into new eyes and see the synapses fire as he realizes that I am his dad.

There is so much good in being a DAD.  I was playing with the baby yesterday and my wife said someting to the effect of is that a very manly way to act?  I said maybe not, but it is the Dad way to act.  That is more important with these kids, to be their dad.  They can learn to be Men later.

Sneak peak at next week: Puberty….

Thanks for reading, please comment below!


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