- Image by twodolla via Flickr
If you have been reading this blog for any length of time you know by now that I am the stay at home parent in our house. Over the summer however, my wife was home on maternity leave with our youngest son being born and all.
In September, she went back to work. It has been interesting trying to re-establish our roles in the house and get back on a good routine. Even this post is about a month in the making. I have been trying to write it for that long without success. I have been doing way too many things and putting this post off. I have another one on procrastination in the works, maybe I should combine them!
It was quite a change when she went back to work, especially for the kids. We had spent 3 months with her always home. Now she was leaving again and I had to step back up as the full time homemaker as well as internet guru, company president, blogger etc. None of these are hard, none of these are different than what we have been doing for years.
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