Oddities, Profundities, Profanities and Dad Stuff

Tag: poetry (Page 4 of 7)

Poetry Tuesday: Is it just a cop out?

Mark Summers ("Cap'n Slappy") and Jo...

Image via Wikipedia

Maybe it is just a cop out, but I like reading some of this old poetry.  I am very much trying to use it to write some more.  It somehow feels awkward to write poetry right now.  I don’t know why it should, one of the main themes of poetry is pain and I have had enough crap tossed at me from the giant crap cannon lately that it should be pretty good.  I will have to work on that.  I think I promised new stuff this week but it isn’t going to happen.  maybe next week.

This poem is a bit different today.  I was playing with classical poetry and Iambic pentameter at the time.  This one is not in Iambic pentameter but it is more of a lyrical or epic style poem.  Plus is has war in it, how can you beat that?

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Poetry Tuesday continued: Forever!

Eight Flying Doves

Image by h.koppdelaney via Flickr

Hey Folks it’s me again, are you still out there?  I hope so.  Anyhow, Today I continue Poetry Tuesday with another one that I wrote for my wife when we were dating.  I can’t wait until someone says “Why don’t you write something new for (insert name or explicitive here)’s sake?”

I like to share some older stuff.  So there.  Maybe next week.

Anyway, Today I have titled this poem Forever.  Enjoy and let me know if you like some of these!
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Poetry Tuesday: Revolution

Hello again.  I hope there is some interest left in this blog, hopefully I can get back on the horse and write like I should.

Thatched cottage Viet Nam

Image via Wikipedia

Anyhow, I found this old poem in a book last week.  I call it “Revolution” but any title suggestions would work.  This was another written during some strange mindset that had to do with war inspired epic style poems.  They all have to do with swords and sorcery themes though, I have yet to write the Viet Nam epic or the Iraq narrative.  That actually gives me an idea……

For today, enjoy “Revolution” and let me know what you think in the comments below.  This blog is like a fairy, you have to believe in it for it to exist.  so clap (leave a comment) and it will continue to rise!





By: Justin Matthews

The revolution begins, the trumpets cry forth,

A stout wind begins to blow from the North.

A dark storm approaches, for now it won’t be long,

‘Till the oppression is ended and we’ve righted the wrongs.

Our hero emerges, a shadowy soul,

To break the resistance, is his only goal.

Defiant he stands, in the face of the storm,

His sword raised in protest, his voice raised in song.

O’er the murderous forces struggling to kill,

His war song goes forth, strong and not shrill.

With a cry and a yell, forward he springs,

into the midst of his foe, for Country, for King.

Hacking and slashing, thrusting and parry,

Out hero unscathed emerges Death, ever so scary.

Begging and pleading, they part on his blade,

knowing all well that they will never be saved.

Slashing and stabbing while casting a spell,

the errie midnight darkness envelops them well.

The dark it enfolds until the last foe has fallen,

and our hero stands tall, victory’s cheer he is callin’.

And suddenly the sky is alight with the sun,

And with a scream and a cheer, the battle is done.

And our hero fades back into the dark whence he came,

The hero of all, yet none knew his name.

A wraith of great prowess, endurance and form,

is gone on the heels of the storm.

Gone to wait until we need him again….

Have a great Tuesday.


finding things

Hey there all.  It is supposed to be Poetry Tuesday but I have nothing for you right now except this:

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

The holiday’s are here,

Bah Humbug to you!


Lame I know but….Anyway, have you ever found something completely by accident and had no idea where it came from?   On your person more so than in your living room.  I was in the shower the other day and found a scratch on my leg that had some pretty significant scabs.  How did it get there? I don’t know.  All I know is I just found it.

Here is a question for you folks then, and it relates to blogging.  Have you been poking around your own blog and find that there is crap on it that you don’t remember knowing anything about?  Whether it is comments waiting for approval or spam deletion or updates on plugins or even someone has posted something that no one should have been able to post, is it time that you looked into some more security?

Now this is not going to turn tutorial to keep you blog safe.  There are plenty other sites out there that do a better job than I could.  I just want to say that you should look into at least changing your password once in a while.  Don’t get caught unawares and lose all of your hard work.

I would love to hear your thoughts.

Please remember to head to Amazon.com through my affiliate link over on the right there and if you are feeling generous, there is a donate button right here:

Thanks for all of your support, this site will be ported just as soon as I can get the new host set up.

Until next time,


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