Oddities, Profundities, Profanities and Dad Stuff

Tag: writing (Page 5 of 12)

Flight of the Antidepressants


Chemical structure of citalopram.

Image via Wikipedia

Have you ever came up with a good title and then had to figure out what to do with it?  Yea, this post is like that.  Of course, it is somewhat based in my reality.

Brain chemicals are to blame here.  Brain chemicals and the balance between all of them.  Some say it is a fight we could never win, but with modern pharmaceuticals, anything is possible.  Years ago I had a problem with depression.  Some time, a few changes and Prozac helped.  Years went by and I was fine.  Then, back in 2010 I started to recognize some of the same symptoms of that depression again.  Long time readers of this blog may have noticed the sharp decline in this fine piece of work over that summer.

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Do you have yours yet???

Yes friends it is a statement virtually everyone on the planet has uttered at some point.  “Yea, I’ll do it when I get around to it.”  Well then, here!

These are silly things but very popular a few years ago.  I remember being on vacation with my parents 20+ years ago and my mom found one of these, scratch that a bucket of these wooden disks with only “Tuit” written on them.  She laughed for days on that vacation, all over the tuit.

The point of all of this, go ahead and download the pictures and realize that you no longer have an excuse.  have you heard the phrase, “Excuses are like *insert your favorite body part here, the more graphic the better*, everybody has one.”  Well excuses don’t pay the bills or get the writing done or get the new kitchen sink installed. ( I still have some counter work to do before I can set the sink but I wanted to write for a minute.)


Here is something interesting I didn’t get this post finished a week ago so here I am.  I guess I need a new tuit because mine is a crock of crap.  I did get my kitchen put together and countertops installed though.  I just am now not giving the tuit its due.  I have a few different ones now and I have no more excuses.  This week I will get all of my writing done.  I will get some posts ready for days that I run short on time.  I will be back to the point I was a year ago when things were new and flying furiously from my fingers.

Hold on because I now have gotten a round tuit.

Thanks for reading, I have some interesting posts planned that I just haven’t written yet.  Let me know what you think about things.


Poetry Tuesday: My Orchard

I know I teased one of my Grandfathers poems last week but I couldn’t find one…Until now!  It took me a while.  That opening sentence sounds like one of those squeeze pages I have been reading so many of lately.  But this poem is free.

My Grandfather was a dairy farmer and he liked to compose poems while milking his cows.  Most of his poems are about the things in his life and they were an influence on me.  He was a good man who worked hard and I figured if he could write poetry then I could as well.

My Orchard

By: J. Emerson Staples

I love to sit out in the Orchard just at the close of day,

And watch the sun as it slowly sinks behind those hills so far away.

The shadows they have come and gone,

Stretching from tree to tree,

Then I know that darkness is coming,

And will soon come and cover me.

Then the moon comes peeking through those trees

Lighting up the Orchard so its beauty I can see.

The fragrance of those blossoms

Is whisked to me upon the gentle canyon breeze.

And I know that on the morrow

Each blossom will be visited by those busy buzzing bees.

Then I look into the future, what a glorious sight to see,

Those trees loaded with sweet, juicy apples

Just waiting there for you and me.

I am thankful God created orchards

Even if it’s only one for me,

So I can sit out there and ponder

And thank him for the many, many blessings that he has given me.

Until next week, Have a great one and thanks for reading.


Maybe You Should Just Give Up and Write!

First of all, Happy St. Patricks Day!  This is a great holiday for people to enjoy some good music and some fun, all dressed in green.  If you need a soundtrack, head on over to my buddy Marc Gunn’s site at www.marcgunn.com.  He has tons and tons of great Irish and Celtic music as well as podcasts and free MP3’s!  I have enjoyed his stuff for years now.  And if you see him, tell him Happy Birthday, it is today as well!

Now for a blog post:

If you are a blogger your main objective is to write.  Or rather it Should be your main objective.  When we get wrapped up in site design and monetization schemes we have to focus on the writing.

I had a thought that maybe there is cause to give up even on the computer and write.  I mean actual pen to paper writing.  And not necessarily blog posts either.  How about some bad poetry, or a short story about a leprechaun with a bad attitude and blister on his foot.

I don’t write on paper as much anymore, typing it in has taken over.  And who wants to transcribe all of that???  Sometimes I think it can be a great exercise.  I do tend to take it one step further though.

My dad is the artist, I didn’t inherit anything in that realm.  He was always into Calligraphy as well as drawing and painting.  I tried in vain to do any calligraphy and it was beyond me.  I did however gain an unhealthy fascination with the tools that people used to write with.

I have mentioned before how I would love to head back to 1800 and become a mountain man.  I love that whole era.  I have made some of my own clothes based on “patterns” (you have to make up the actual pattern) from that era.  I also love the pens that were beginning to be manufactured then.  Not the quill pens, those are hard to use, but the steel nibbed ones.  They are so much fun to write with.  You just have to be careful not to spill a bottle of ink on the carpet.  It doesn’t come out and you will be grounded for weeks.

Anyway, Old style dip pens are great fun otherwise.  There are different styles and types that look different when you write with them.  Those types of pens can be impractical for everyday use.  Thank goodness someone figured out how to put ink reservoirs into a pen and came up with fountain pens.

Fountain pens are way cool.  They are classic reminders of the early 20th century for me.  They have a certain charm and mystique because people just dont use them as much any more.

Now this is not for a slightly older generation, as fountain pens were still very popular in the 60’s.  As for my generation, I started writing around 1980 and the only pens I ever knew growing up were Bic ball points.

Why use a fountain pen?  Besides it is cool and will make people jealous of the level of cool you have acheived (very close to that of Steve McQueen), they are easy to write with and leave letters full of thick and thin lines that are almost art in themselves; just from the nature of the mechanism.  A ballpoint is always the same.

There are some very cheap fountain pens out there now so you could pick one up and try it for yourself.  Grab one and write a note to your sweetheart.  If you are really cool, seal it with sealing wax.  That is another post.  Go out and DO something a bit different, write like your grandfather did.

Any thoughts?  That comment section below is waiting for you!  Also, please don’t for get to sign up for my newsletter! First edition goes out when the Leprechauns are finished with it this afternoon!


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