Oddities, Profundities, Profanities and Dad Stuff

Tag: writing (Page 6 of 12)

Finally finishing what should have been done before

Well folks, today I finally finished something that should have been finished many moons ago.  I finally finished my author page on Amazon.

Image representing Amazon as depicted in Crunc...

I have had a book on Amazon since 2011 and a grand total of 1 sale.  Of course, there could be no sales with no promotion.  I have neglected my career for too long.

Something has changed lately.  I am making myself.  I have been timid and hiding for far too long.  Now, I have 2 books on Amazon.  They are both listed at .99 but free to borrow on Amazon Prime.  Of course, you can get a free copy of “The Blogging Mindset” by joining my email list over there in the right sidebar.  I can count on one hand how many emails I have sent the past year, so there will not be a ton of mail from me.

English: Downtown Oklahoma City from the south...

English: Downtown Oklahoma City from the southeast. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Anyway, I have actually published on Amazon.  This is big for me.  I am stealing publishing and marketing ideas from The Consortium, an Oklahoma City based publishing house run in part by my (hold on, name drops here) friends Aaron Pogue, Courtney Cantrell, and Becca Campbell.  (links are to their respective blogs)

Now, another part of my empire is AnvilForge Press.   I will have to work hard on this over the next few months.  A new site, better copywriting, better promotion.  It’s all in the works.  Now I only have to write some more books to line the virtual shelves with.

Again, this cycle of writing and working has come, and you all can benefit from it.  I have had interest in finishing “The Man in the Hazy Suit” and I think I will republish it on here in it’s first form for some Fiction Saturday fun.  Then I am going to rewrite the thing and AnvilForge Press will publish it.

I also have other books in the works that I can only hope will rival Harry Potter and spring me to stardom.  In the meantime, I blog.  Today you should be reading a Stay at Home Dad post, but I had to get this out.  Next week, there will be theme days.  Maybe I will even write some new Poetry for Tuesday.

Hide and Watch.  And just in case you need to buy something from Amazon, please click through my link over there in the sidebar and help me keep this boat floating.  It doesn’t cost you anything extra.

Thanks for reading.


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What I did today: The Grind Report


Image by DanielleCM via Flickr

Not that there was any way to avoid it, but I am sure you have noticed my lack of postings here on the Catharsis the past couple of weeks.  Call it lack of motivation, call it laziness, call it what you will, but I have been absent.  I hope that there is someone out there who is at least annoyed by that.

I have written something like this post before and I am sure  that if you remember those you are sick of it and are ready to unsubscribe.  Let me just say, please don’t.  I have ideas again and things to write about but my time is not balanced well at the moment.  I could blame it on a number of things including sick kids and a 7 month old who likes to wake up in the middle of the night, but the only person to blame is me.
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Seeking out the flash we want instead of the stuff we need

I love to fish.  I would be fishing now if I wanted to be cold.  Most of the lakes and rivers are still somewhat frozen here in Utah.  I am getting that spring bug though.

I was at Walmart the other day looking over the sporting good section like I usually do and it got me thinking.  How much of this is what my grandpa used to call “bait for fishermen” and not worth the money to buy?  Answer, most of it.  There is so much of every type of plug, popper, spinner, spoon, crankbait, or gimmick that it is oerwhelming to look at.

Of course I have a bunch of gear but it is gear that I chose to buy for one reason or another, based onhow it my catch fish.  I don’t have anything that looks like a beer can or a pile of junk.  I have good colors and shapes that willhelp me catch fish.  Period.

One of the best things that ever happened to me was when we moved.  I lost all of my fishing gear except for my poles.  as near as I can figure, my tackle boxes were lifted while I was loading up the truck.  I have not noticed anything else missing.  the only things I was not happy about losing were 2 of my good reels but, I guess someone else needed them worse than me.  I hope they got into fishing because of it.

I have replaced everything that I wanted to and now have a kit that I am really happy with.  I can’t wait to use it this summer.

I thought about all of this and how it applies to the internet. There is a lot of flash and bait on the net.  I have it on my site in affiliate programs and I will have in the future for product offers.  You can google anything and get millions of hits.  The secret is guessing at the good stuff and leaving the garbage.  There is plenty of both around the internet.

Sometimes it is beneficial to clean out the old stuff and start over.  I have dumped my bookmarks in the past and started over.  I am thinking about cleaning out my twitter.  I am considering purging chaff from my RSS reader as well.

The only real advice I am going to give is this.  Decide to do something and do it.  Decide on a post idea, write it (time permitting).  Decide to comment, do it.  Decide to purge, do it.  I am finally sick of myself putting things off and talking about doing things that never quite get around to happening.  Now, I am doing it.

So, Go Do Something.  NOW! Get out of here!


Is that your blog or is your brain leaking?

Man has it been an exciting day in Blogistan!  For some reason, my blog blew up today!  For the past few months I have been hoping every day to beat 72 visitors.  That was the most people that visited my site according to the Count Per Day plugin. I have been running that one since I started.  StatPress always shows a few more but it isn’t as pretty.

So I have been getting in the 60’s most of the time.  Today, I had 93 visitors when I checked 20 minutes after my latest post.  And it has just gone higher and higher.  At the time I wrote this, 2130 MDT (GMT-7), there were 218 visitors and almost 1100 pageviews!  That is TRIPLE what I have been getting.  I can only hope that this blog is catching on and this will be normal!

Sorry to brag like that but holy crap I am excited!  According to the calendar, I am just a week and a half away from my 3 month mark.  I hit a slight stumble of writers block after the Pre-Writing challenge but I am still going strong.  I am still planning my ebooks and fiction posts and where to go forward.

With help from Mike CJ I am working through the Beginners Guide to Blogging (look for a post on that soon) and will be pushing more and more things the right way.  I can’t be stopped.

Beware all of you who think that I will be giving up because I will still be here pumping out content and promoting.  I hope my traffic will continue  like this, I can see that it ended up with 251 views and 1244 pageviews.  That is far an above anything I have done up to now.  That is over half of the visitors that I had last WEEK!!

Enough from me now.  Thanks for reading and making my blog a success!  I would love to hear from you in the comments section below, can never have enough comments!  You can also sign up for my mail list, I am blitzing this week to get some subscribers!

Thanks for being here!


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