Oddities, Profundities, Profanities and Dad Stuff

Tag: writing (Page 9 of 12)

Twitter and the Explosion I Didn’t Expect.

I have discovered something very strange.  In the past 2 days, my twitter followers have gone crazy.  I went from 15 or so to nearly 100, just for getting some free ebooks.

I figured I would get some spam that I could ignore or some spam that was worth reading but every few hours my email has several “&$%(” is now following you on Twitter.”  messages.  It is very interesting.  Some I follow.  Some I haven’t.  some I look and see what their last few tweets were without following.  I have found some very interesting people online.

I have read that Twitter is a great way to boost readership of your blog and such.  Are all of these people going to read MY blog just because of Twitter?  I hope so.  I want to get my readership out there.  It just blows me away how a few simple things will bring about more than I ever imagined.  Really.  It is kind of daunting and a wee bit scary to be out there in the world and not just one of the lurking wraiths.

Now we decide further where to go.  What to people really want to read?  Do I really care what people want to read and just continue to write what I want to write.  I did call my blog Catharsis of the Bogue not What do the Masses Want.  So if you are here and reading this, I will be writing about whatever fancy strikes me.

Quick side note, my 4 year old nephew has named their pony (a real live pony mind you) “Fancy Britches”.  Every time I hear the word fancy it reminds me of that.  I was reading a book about pirates called The Republic of Pirates by Colin Woodward (Amazon Link) One of the early pirate ships they renamed “Fancy” and I chuckled almost every time.

But I digress.  Also one of my favorite phrases.  So here it is, My Blog, My Rules with lots of help from genius wordpress guys (Dr. WordPress, Dave Doolin) and great writers Kelly Diels, and Josh Hanagarne.  I am going to start posting stories, you know fiction stuff.  Be prepared, not just for Boy Scouts anymore….

More to come from my brain to yours,


If Only to Ramble, I want to be Ford Prefect.

Just to warn you, this is a rambling post.  If you can’t handle that, leave a comment and grab a copy of my e-Book, Death With A Vengeance.  It is a good read.

Wow, Wednesday was not good for writing.  I just couldn’t get any ideas to do anything but sit there.  I guess I could say it was writers block, I could say I am just overwhelmed with stuff to do.  Or I can man up and say it was hard to write today.

Ok, it was hard to write today.  I am sure everyone has had the same experience at one time.  Or all of the time.  I have read countless posts about having too many windows open, too many emails to read and too many tweets to keep up with.  I did better on Tuesday when I had it all mapped out.  But I didn’t have to paint the hallway on Tuesday now did I?

Just a quick question that I would like solid answers for, why does a newborn care what the hallway looks like?  Or the Basement?  The kid can’t see more than 12 inches for a month or so anyway.  Hormones are insidious little bastards that just make more work for me.

So I am stuck in some strange vortex that is starting to make me mad.  I have things I want to write, I have blog posts I need to write, I have things I want to read, Affliate programs I want to review, and products I want to develop to sell.  I need to get organized.  And focused.  Maybe I just need more sleep.

Sorry for the ramblings, I am sure Thursday will be better.  But, to quote the Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy (one of the best books EVER) I never did get the hang of Thursdays.  Thank you Douglas Adams.

Your well crafted and highly entertaining comments will be welcome below.


The Return of Poetry Tuesday: All Pales to You

Hello all.  Today I am returning Poetry Tuesday to the lineup!  This poem is one I wrote for my wife not too long after we got married.  I thought it would be appropriate with Valentines Day coming this Thursday.  Let me know what you think, and feel free to share it with your Sweetheart!

All Pales to You

By: Justin Matthews

There are stars alight in the winter night,

But all pales to you.

The Dawn shines golden o’er spring fields,

But all pales to you.

The summer is green, the trees shine with sun,

But none compare to you.

Trees are put to shame, You light the room, the space, the Universe.

My heart glows with thoughts of you,

My life better for having you.

You swell my heart to bursting point,

complete I have become.

Without you, Life is empty, the winter cold.

The midsummer blues can touch me not when I am with you.

You are my sun, my heart, my angel.

My everything is yours, do with me as you will.

I will never leave, nor be cast aside.

You my Dear are my one True Love!


Scan of a Valentine greeting card dated 1909.

Scan of a Valentine greeting card dated 1909. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Waiting for Inspiration, A Sure Way to Fail.

I love to be inspired.  I’m sure everyone does at some point.  It is great to sit down and be struck in the face with a fantastic posting idea but lets face it, how often does that actually happen?  How much more realistic is is to have a great idea on the way to the bathroom or in line at the bank?

I keep a digital recorder around to hang onto these ideas.  That doesn’t mean any of those ideas will ever see the light of day or be pounded into my computer.  There are the days when I do have an idea and can get it down quickly so it works.  There are days when I play around on the internet and am extremely undisciplined because I am doing “research” or “learning” and it is all BS.  These are the days when it is dinnertime and I realize that I still haven’t written, actually WRITTEN, anything but some snarky comments and maybe an email all day.

I started to do that today and I realized that I was telling myself that I was just waiting for something to write about.  I was waiting for inspiration.  That thought brought on this post.  Just waiting around will only cause me to fail in my quest to be a writer and on some of those top 10 blog lists.

And now, for my next trick, I will transcribe some of my post ideas from the recorder.  With luck I can have 2-3 posts lined up by the end of the day.  End of the weekend is more likely though.

Get out and enjoy the weather if you can!  Snow is coming to Salt Lake tonight.  Can’t wait, already have the snowblower gassed up.


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