Oddities, Profundities, Profanities and Dad Stuff

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SAHD files: And another one gone, and another one gone…

A hemodialysis machine, used to physiologicall...

A hemodialysis machine, used to physiologically aid or replace the kidneys in renal failure (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Well it is a strange day here, I have lost 3/4 of my kids. Last week, my 6 year old started Kindergarten. While I didn’t think it was a big deal, it was.  Now I don’t mean it wasn’t a big deal for Amelia, it was. I didn’t think that it would be for me.  But it was a little strange not having her around.

If you didn’t know, she is my “One Kidney Princess.”  She is the one who spent 2 years on dialysis starting at 1 and culminating in a birthday present that will never be equaled, a kidney transplant.  I don’t want to go into that today, but, It was me who spent most of that time on dialysis with her because Mom had the insurance and had to work.  I didn’t miss many of the 4 day a week sessions in that 2 years.  I have also been the one constantly home with her, and taking her to the clinic and blood draws for the past 3 years.

I was really excited to have her go to school, I think it is a wonderful thing for the kids to go out and learn.  It was just hard to let this little girl out of the bubble we keep her in to go to school.  We have to be careful with her because she takes medication every day that lowers her immune system so that she will not reject her kidney.  That leaves her susceptible to about anything that is being passed around.  We hope that through good hand washing and liberal use of sanitizer we can keep her relatively healthy.

I know she will get sick.  I know that she need to get sick so that her body can get stronger and fight off things, but she will always be able to get sick better than the other kids.

Taxes…Not Quite Dead Yet

I got all of my stuff together today did my taxes.  I guess it’s just me but I don’t think it is that big of a deal.  I do use one of the online preparation things and efile but it is not that bad to do .  I guess it will be harder if I ever have to use more than the standard deduction.

Long and the short, taxes done, refund on the way, didn’t die doing it.  It makes me wonder about some people though.  Those who don’t pay their taxes and end up in prison.  Why?  Like I said, mine are easy, I know others are more complex and there are a myriad of laws that govern them.

Accountants have a job this season that’s for sure.  And if you win $1,000,000 on survivor, the government gets half.  That is not new!  People have been joking about that forever.

This post sucks.  Bottom line, do your taxes as early as you can unless you have to pay.  Stay out of jail.  The IRS is a bunch of ruthless Nazi’s if they want your money.

I promise a better post tomorrow.


Nothing But A Pile Of Sticks: Part 2- Details and the Work

Salt Lake County as seen from space.

Image via Wikipedia

I don’t know how many people actually want to read about this stuff, but it is my blog so read it or don’t.  Anyway, we left off last time with us finding out on a Monday night that we had until Thursday Morning at 9:00 AM to be out.  After the initial panic subsided and the first phone call to the mortgage place saying what in the name of all that is holy and right is going on.  They said, well the house is sold, there is nothing we can do.  I say what about the modification?  They say well we were working on it until last Friday and then it was closed out.  Insert your favorite string of four letter words here.
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You Need What?!?!?

Yesterday I received one of those virtual slaps in the face that parents get as their kids grow up.  I am talking about my oldest daughter Leatha today, she will be 10 in August!  There is another one.

It has been a wild 10 years, full of new things since she was born.  I can’t hardly remember what it was like before her though.  (Warning: this post will probably be filled with cliches but I really mean them!)

And now a list of virtual slaps in the face,

1.  A Girl! My first child is a girl! August 2000

2.  She can walk!

3.  She can talk!

4. She can run around and jump in puddles like it is the most natural thing in the world!

5. She can read!

6.  School!

7.  Little kid toys are too small, Big kid toys are almost too big!

8.  Baptism at 8 yrs old!

9. Top of the 3rd grade!

10. Maturing at a frightening rate.

This last one is what I am on about today.  It is very humbling to have your kids hit a point where they need things like deodorant.   Now, Leatha is not one that is trying to grow up too fast.  She is still trying to hold on to being a little girl.  But, alas, she is growing up.

This past week she has grown enough and matured enough that she needs deodorant now.  I am not complaining, I am not mocking this at all, it is a coming of age that everyone goes through.  I just feel old and like a parent. Bah!  I am just glad that my wife is in charge of the menstrual stuff, I don’t want to do that one.

I only hope that there are a few years that go by before that one because I really worry about the state of the world and the people in it.  My wife had an 11 year old in the ER last week who was pregnant.  My daughter is going to wear a suit of armor and I am going to escort her everywhere in about 6 months.  With a club.

What do you all think???


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