Oddities, Profundities, Profanities and Dad Stuff

Category: Personal Growth (Page 4 of 14)

I Have Hit 3 Months! Time for the Happy Dance!

Hello all you wonderful people!  Well it is because of you that this post is here today.  This marks my 3 month blogging milestone!  That is 3 months since I bought my domain name and started working.  I am still here, I am not quitting, and I am getting more traffic than ever.  Not as much as I would like but hat is coming.

I am not going to list my stats here again, I think I just did that a week or so ago.  Today I wanted to hit something else, related but not the same.  I am heading toward 6 months with several people that are going to keep me on the path.  I will be a professional blogger.  Just hide and watch.

Here is my point, there is a time in whatever path you have chosen where it gets hard.  I don’t believe it is ever too hard to bear, I am not going to go off on religion but it works for me when the times get hard.  What is even harder but much more important is to be able to pull yourself together and keep going.

When the world seems like it is falling in and you are going to be stuck at the bottom of the sewage pile, there is something inside of each and every one of us that can climb out of the  pit and stand to the side.  You may get sprayed and dumped on but you do not have to be at the bottom.  There is always hope.

I can see why 3 months is an important milestone for a blogger.  There is the doubt that any of this is worth it.  There is the “nothing is happening so why bother anymore” effect that comes about when you do not have a focus.  There is the unwillingness to adapt, the unwillingness to “pay your dues” that puts many people off.

This world is overwhelming, with all of the information out there it is hard to see where to go.  There is plenty of discouragement waiting, on how many blogs are out there, how you need to be top in Alexa, how your lovingly crafted e-book is probably going to end up with the millions of others in mediocrity.  It can be hard to navigate the forest for the sheer fact that the forest is there.

But I have a chainsaw and the overwhelming desire to cut my own path.  I have adopted a new philosophy that doesn’t listen to people and their discouragement.  I will continue to put out my own stuff and if it fails then it fails; I have other things to take its place.

Building and interacting with the world via my humble cable modem is so much fun I am sure it will be illegal in the near future.  I am going to keep it up.  I am going to be successful.  I am going to quash all of the naysayers.  I will make money with my blog.  I really don’t want to deliver pizzas.

Please feel free to comment below, sign up for my RSS feed and most importantly my mailing list! Special content and discounts abound for those select few on my list.  and I promise not to shovel crap to your inbox, you may get a couple of emails a month.  Max.


You only have 24 hours to…

I have a question today.  Think about this.

What would you do if you had 24 hours completely to yourself?

The house was clean, the kids taken care of, the cars working, the yardwork done, no work, blog post written, not one thing required of you. Time of year is ideal for whatever you wish to do.  When you get back there is no backlog of anything.  It is a completely free 24 hours.

What would you do?

Me I am torn between sleep the whole time and catch up a bit or go fishing.  I am thinking fishing will win but I will have to sit in the bottom of the boat so when I do fall asleep I don’t end up in the drink.

Please share with all of us what you would do!


Our Fighting Men, Our Peace of Mind.

I found a quote from George Orwell that really struck a chord with me.

“People sleep peacably in their beds at night only because

rough men stand readyto do violence on their behalf.”…..George Orwell

That quote hit me because I never want to forget those brave men and women who have given their lives for freedom and their country.  A large part of being patriotic is remembering those who have gone before us and fought for the freedoms that we enjoy.

I speak as an American, but whatever country you live in there are heroes that have protected that country in the past.  You may be related to them.  You may be them.  To all of you around the world who have served or are serving, no matter the country, I salute you.

I was not able to be in the military and as such I am one of those who sleeps peaceably.  I do however, know and respect the sacrifice of those who serve me.  I have always been and will forever be a staunch supporter of our troops.

I do not believe there will ever be complete peace in the world no matter what the songs may wish for.  Without people willing to protect what we have, we will lose it to those who want to take it.

I always hope for peace that keeps our people at home but I am grateful that they are ready to go at a moments notice.

Please also see my page for our troops: Here.

Any comments would be appreciated!

Justin Continue reading

A Dream, A Post, A Comment. The New Psychoanalysis.

Yesterday, I wrote a post about a strange dream that I had.  At the end, I said, “I am not sure what any of it meant at the time or has to say about my sanity, lack of it, or what can be interpreted by it.”  I also asked for comments.

My new friend Jayne Sherwood (of whom I cannot find a web site or anything but a twitter account of @jayneEsherwood please update me Jayne and I will link it in) Said in a fantastic comment:

It suggests that you will be in receipt of a great amount of something good, which says you are giving much good yourself, the shovel, symbolically may suggest digging up issues you may find difficult to deal with however, this could be supported my a strong feminine presence in the form of a cat! (in the spiritual sense, cats mean strong feminine presence). The old clothes could be that this is not a new situation that is being revisited and that there could be underlying currents that you would like to sort out.The old girlfriend may possibly be where the issue lies and the pet box may be where the strong feminine presence will need to be put and kept out of the way of your moving forward with your great gift. This is not a fact it is merely a suggestion based on spiritual meaning and symbolism.

So here is an interpretation by me of that dream from Jayne’s comment.  The Shovel digging up issues is probably correct.  I have been “digging” up many things from my past and getting rid of them lately.

I have used this business that I am creating to give all of the crap that was dished  up by my parents for the past 35 years the boot.  I am sick and tired of them being able to control me.

Last summer if a psychologist asked me what I felt like my solid answer would have been a 12 year old kid.  I was 34 years old with 3 kids, one with major health problems, 2 cars and a mortgage and I still felt like a 12 year old kid.  Scared to try things, scared to get out and do anything for fear of failure.

I was always told I could do whatever I wanted but I was so scared to fail and disappoint my dad, that I did nothing.  That still continued until I decided that they had no hold on me any more.  I know, that took a long time, but there you are.  Now I am free of my parents, they are Grandparents now, and I am no longer under their control.

I believe the strong female presence of the cat could point to my wife.  She is currently pregnant with our 4th child and I can’t think of anything stronger about a woman than having a child.

Of course I need to get rid of the cat, so that would say strongly that it is not my wife but I would go back to my mother.  The only other females that have anything to do with my life are my daughters, 10 and 4.

So I am going to say my mother would be the cat I need to get rid of, put in a container, and send away.  All for the same reasons I need a shovel.

Old clothes, I thought was just to not ruin something new while disposing of the cat but now it probably means that it is the same old thing that has been going on for 35 years.

As for the old girlfriend, not an issue at all.  I have been married for 12 years and dated my wife for 5 years before that.  All of the old girlfriend stuff is long since gone.  There was never one serious enough to have any residual hangups about.

I can only hope that the great amount of something good relates to my blog and the money that I hope to make from it.  I need the mental presence to keep up with the site and keep it working like it should so it is viable as an income source and I can continue to stay home.

So that was quite the insight into a seemingly silly and inconsequential dream.  I am glad that Jayne found it and left the comment.  Dream interpretations can be very interesting.

I would love to hear what you have to say in the comment section below.  Don’t forget, Saturday Fiction is coming tomorrow!


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