Well folks the time is here and I don’ tknow if my ass is getting worn out yet or it is just the chair. It has been 5 full months now that I have been posting on this blog and playing around. I am getting ok traffic and it is time to start charging for each blog post!
No of course I am kidding. My posts on here and for fiction Saturday will be free forever. But today I want to talk about money and how to separate people from it. I have been listening to Nathan Hangen’s podcasts in bulk lately and he has inspired me to get something going now.
What I am looking for today is some input. The time has arrived that the new baby is imminent and I need to get some cash in to cover the bills. I am trying to come up with a product that is not just another e-book for people to file away in the dusty recess of their hard drive and never read. I have too many of those myself. I want something to make people say, “Yea, that is good. Hey Steve, have you seen this?”
So here is a question. I want to ask something like what do you think of a stay at home dad membership site or mentoring thing but then I think how many stay at home dads are out there that actually would be willing to pay money for a site like that? Maybe an ebook would be better.
I have a couple of books that I am working on, but one is fiction and one is about my daughters kidney disease. I keep trying to figure out what exactly I have to offer besides writing, that people would be interested in. I haven’t started yet, but I am going to have audio versions of my fiction stuff available in the near future and I don’t see how I could charge for those, at least until the ebook comes out.
Anyone need a partner for a JV?
So, any ideas that people need tackled? I am just confused again at what kind of a product that I can offer that will be of value to people. I am not sure now what is important to share. I am working on a groovy workbook for kids on roadtrips. That will be a good one to get out.
Anyhow, what do you guys think? I expect comments on this one folks!
until later