You really thought this was going to be another boring post with me whining about not writing enough. Face it, you did.

Well, that is not going to be the case. This Blog is being revived because I am getting published again! Yes, I was chosen to be in my second anthology for the League of Utah Writers Infinite Monkey chapter.

This story is kind of fun. The first anthology had my story about a drunk driver.

This go around it was all about flash fiction. 1000 words or less. Mine was entirely dialogue. It was a fun exercise on a day I was bored and wrote the whole thing out longhand. A couple of revisions later and I am getting published again.

I have several partially finished, several barely written, and many many napkin scrap ideas floating around. It feels good to actually have one done.

I have learned by being a member of the League of Utah writers that I will probably never be a novelist. I am so much better at short stories, some may reach a novella length, but that is about all. I like to write more focused stories and not the sweeping arcs that I like to read. I don’t know why, I like a tighter, short story.

I don’t know what that says about me, but there it is. Sure there may be a novel in there somewhere, but this isn’t my career, this is a hobby. I will sit here and blog, write my short stories and continue to submit to anthologies. I may end up with a book of short stories someday, but we will see about that.

Now I make up stories for fun, share them here and there, and go on to the next. Maybe I will re-awaken the serial novel here on this site, that was fun for a while. I had Poetry Thursday and Serial Saturday at one point. That could be a fun way to do a first draft, I’ll have to see.

Until next time
