Oddities, Profundities, Profanities and Dad Stuff

Category: migraines (Page 2 of 2)

Migraines and inadequacy

You ever get a migraine?  I am talking about a real migraine with auras and light disturbance, nausea as well as pain, not just a really bad headache.  I ususally get a couple of them a month.

I still haven’t identified a trigger, a why these stupid things happen but my best guesses are fatigue and stress.  The worst part about those is that it seems to be a cumulative effect; like today, I was cooking some breakfast.  No stress, I actually slept a bit more than usual and WHAM!  The aura that looks like a too bright camera flash that obsures vision and shimmers like the setting sun off of a lake.  I can’t say why or how but hey just another migraine.  I can only hope my hand and face don’t go numb.

I have been having migraines since I was a teenager.  Good grief that is over 20 years now.  Back then I didn’t know what they were, I just thought it was some sort of food poisoning.  I would wake up with the visual aura that would progress to nausea and vomiting, until it passed.  It was incapacitating back then, many times starting with a numbness “sphere” about the size of a baseball, starting in my left hand and creeping up my arm, through my neck, over my face, (numb lips, tongue, and teeth are incredibly creepy) and finally creeping down my right arm.  It really bothered me and I just thought I was sickly.  Looking back I am sure it was stress from my family and the constant pressure from my Father.

It wasn’t until I was dating my wife who was in Nursing School that I even knew that these were migraines.  I was having a bad one at work one day and then another later at home.  She recognized some of the issues and took me to the emergency room for an injection.  Holy Crap there was medicine for this that all but took away the symptoms!  I never knew.  Later talking with my doctor he said it was all of the classic signs of migraine, and here is a perscription for an overpriced but effective medication against migraines.  Of course my dad says “It takes years to diagnose migraines” I read that as “you are a whiny little baby who is now flawed and one step above worthless”  That is another blog though.

Well with medication it is better.  There was a period of almost 2 years where I only had like 1 episode.  Even with my daughter in kidney failure and on dialysis there were not too many.  I have even began to realize a type of aura 1-2 days ahead of time that I can guess will result in a migraine.  Didn’t today but hey can’t be all knowing.  I hve even began to realize that I have migraines on both sides of my head but not at the same time.  The ones on the right side are more severe and last longer.  They just plain hurt more and even with medication the only real relief is sleep.  Hard to do when you have things to do and people counting on you to make sure your 3 year old isn’t playing with knives or falling down the stairs.  The ones on the right side, like today, are more mild but really make me groggy for a few hours like I am spinning through jello.

all in all migraines just suck.  It is not even the headache that is the worst part, for me it is the uncontrol and the not being able to see.  I would be a terrible blind man.

until the muse strikes again,


www.carepages.com pagename ameliarosematthews


Migraines and Laundry, Which One is Worse? Part 1

I have spent the last couple of days reading so much stuff about how be a successful blogger.  I don’t know if I can take any more advice.  But I did get some good tips so not time wasted, just not spent writing.  So here is what I am going to do with this blog, write it! I will write whatever I want every day.  There may be 2 posts per day. There may even be a series like this one is going to be. Here is part one:

So here goes with some focus actually.  It may or may not be known that I am a stay at home dad.  I have been off and on for the past 8 years so that an actual parent can raise our kids.  My wife is a Nurse and can just make more $$ than I can so when it comes down to it, she is more logical to work than me.  Especially this last go around.  I quit working in April of 07 to go back to school and finish the last few credits of my degree.  About a week later, my 11 month old daughter had a seizure and ended up in the hospital for 16 weeks with kidney failure.  My wife carried the insurance so I took care of the little one as well as the 2 other kids.  And the house.  and the laundry.

The next 2 years I spent 3-4 days per week taking the little one to dialysis because she had her kidney’s removed, and it took that long to get a transplant lined up.  She got the transplant in May of 09, so after all of the followup DR. appointments I am here taking care of the house and the kids again, run of the mill stay at home dad.  Funniest thing is how it pisses off my father the ex Navy SEAL type A personality control freak.  But I digress yet again.  I wrote many blog posts to keep family updated on the baby’s progress at www.carepages.com pagename: ameliarosematthews.

I didn’t start this out to talk about stay at home dad stuff, or even migraines but it may be what it was meant for.  I went downstairs yesterday to catch up on the laundry.

Join us tomorrow for part 2 of the migraine and laundry series. See Part 2 Here

And part 3 Here


Yet another Migraine

I am really not planning on making this my migraine blog but good grief.  I got another one tonight, not too bad on the pain scale but a doozy in the visual disturbance area.  Still can’t pinpoint what causes them.  Today was a good day too.

Got to see my baby again.  My wife is now 12 weeks pregnant and we got to see the baby moving around and being uncooperative.  We were there to do a genetic screening for this baby looking for any abnormalities after our last daughter developed a spontaneous genetic mutation of her kidneys.  We got the screening but it is almost like what is the point?  We are going to keep the baby anyway, but at least we could know early.  Maybe it was stress letdown from keeping the secret to telling all of the family that caused the migraine.  We have been very worried that they would try to rationalize why we would consider another child after the last one was born with kidney failure.  luckily that didn’t happen, or hasn’t been brought up yet.

At least it is almost the new year.  I have a bunch of insurance stuff to do tomorrow so that it will be on this year.  What a party we will have for New Years!  Maybe I will do something with 2010, 2010 kettlebell swings? not likely more like 20 swings then 10.  Maybe 10 get ups or 2 get ups and then 010 get ups.  I will have to work on that one.

Have a great New Year’s Celebration, drive safe and wake up late on Saturday!


www.carepages.com  page: ameliarosematthews


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