Oddities, Profundities, Profanities and Dad Stuff

Category: stay at home dad (Page 11 of 11)

Stay at home dad stuff, domestic tasks

SAHD Friday: Re-establishing Roles

My family.
Image by twodolla via Flickr

If you have been reading this blog for any length of time you know by now that I am the stay at home parent in our house.  Over the summer however, my wife was home on maternity leave with our youngest son being born and all.

In September, she went back to work.  It has been interesting trying to re-establish our roles in the house and get back on a good routine.  Even this post is about a month in the making.  I have been trying to write it for that long without success.  I have been doing way too many things and putting this post off.  I have another one on procrastination in the works, maybe I should combine them!

It was quite a change when she went back to work, especially for the kids.  We had spent 3 months with her always home.  Now she was leaving again and I had to step back up as the full time homemaker as well as internet guru, company president, blogger etc.  None of these are hard, none of these are different than what we have been doing for years.
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Simple Concept, Total Rethink

I recently got a great gift from Erika over at RedheadWriting.com.  Details are not important but the end result was a consult with a real honest to goodness graphic designer, Zac Chisik from ChisikStudio.com.

He sent me  a form to fill out to get an idea about my business in order to design a business card.  Simple thing right?  Well I found that I didn’t really have a solid, defined structure for my business.  I had to totally rethink exactly how I wanted to define my business.

I took a good hard look at my business, what I wanted to call the actual structure, and then define things like target audience, voice, personality etc.  I think this maybe a useful exercise for anyone in business.

I am not sure what the time frame should be, every year? Every six months? Here is my advice.  Look at your business.  What is the main name of your company?  What “divisions” are underneath that company name?  Who is your audience?  What is the message you want to convey to your audience?  What kind of personality does your business have?

Take a look at all of these and make sure you are on track to dominate the world!

Have a good one,


You Need What?!?!?

Yesterday I received one of those virtual slaps in the face that parents get as their kids grow up.  I am talking about my oldest daughter Leatha today, she will be 10 in August!  There is another one.

It has been a wild 10 years, full of new things since she was born.  I can’t hardly remember what it was like before her though.  (Warning: this post will probably be filled with cliches but I really mean them!)

And now a list of virtual slaps in the face,

1.  A Girl! My first child is a girl! August 2000

2.  She can walk!

3.  She can talk!

4. She can run around and jump in puddles like it is the most natural thing in the world!

5. She can read!

6.  School!

7.  Little kid toys are too small, Big kid toys are almost too big!

8.  Baptism at 8 yrs old!

9. Top of the 3rd grade!

10. Maturing at a frightening rate.

This last one is what I am on about today.  It is very humbling to have your kids hit a point where they need things like deodorant.   Now, Leatha is not one that is trying to grow up too fast.  She is still trying to hold on to being a little girl.  But, alas, she is growing up.

This past week she has grown enough and matured enough that she needs deodorant now.  I am not complaining, I am not mocking this at all, it is a coming of age that everyone goes through.  I just feel old and like a parent. Bah!  I am just glad that my wife is in charge of the menstrual stuff, I don’t want to do that one.

I only hope that there are a few years that go by before that one because I really worry about the state of the world and the people in it.  My wife had an 11 year old in the ER last week who was pregnant.  My daughter is going to wear a suit of armor and I am going to escort her everywhere in about 6 months.  With a club.

What do you all think???


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