Oddities, Profundities, Profanities and Dad Stuff

Category: stay at home dad (Page 5 of 11)

Stay at home dad stuff, domestic tasks

9-11-01…still not forgetting

Hello everyone.  Today a short post, and a gallery of images remembering 9/11/01.  12 years ago today my wife came home from work at about 7:30 in the morning yelling for me to get up.  I thought something was wrong at home.  I jumped out of bed and ran to see what was going on.  There she was frantically looking for CNN on the TV and there was something wrong, just not at home.  The first tower was burning there in New York.  We were in time to see the second plane hit the other tower.  We then spent the rest of the day in front of the TV watching the horror unfold, and all of the people trying to do something to help.  Where were you when this all happened?

No, I haven’t forgotten, I still think about the tragedy once in a while.  I still remember trying to figure out how we could get to New York to help.  I gained a new respect for firefighters that day, and a new respect for those who are willing to jump into action and do what needs to be done.

So, now, a few pictures.  We will not forget, God Bless all of those affected, and God Bless the USA.



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How to Traumatize the Kids Without Really Trying

First of all, I don’t set out to traumatize my kids.  It just happens.  Somewhere in the evil part of my brain, I kind of enjoy it.  It is some kind of karmic payback for poopy diapers and screaming in the middle of the night.  Truth: I love my kids and would do anything for them.  Poopy diapers are just part of being a DAD.

But I can traumatize my kids in their sleep without ever leaving the couch.  I like scary movies.  And action movies.  You know the ones with lots of shooting and or screaming.  The problem with relation to the kids, is my 9 year old has nightmares from the screaming.  She tells me when she goes to bed “Don’t watch any scary movies tonight”.  Sometimes she doesn’t notice, sometimes she gets mad at me.

Some days I don’t watch anything and she still complains.  I just keep telling them if they were alseep they wouldn’t notice. Lately I watch a lot of movies with headphones on.

So, how do you traumatize your kids, or how do you plan to?  Like I said sometimes it is fun to payback the kids.  You just have to remember, they are still kids.  You are the parent, the guardian.  You are the one who takes away the nightmares.  You have to be willing to change habits to keep them comfortable.

Take care of your kids, they are the greatest thing in the world.


PS Sign up for my newsletter for insider info about y new ebook!

Behold the Barbie Graveyard…

Sometimes it is really interesting what happens when you give a 3 year old a camera and tell her to go to town.  You get pictures of closets, fish tanks, pictures on the wall, nearly full episodes of Scooby Doo,  and sometimes, Crime Scene Photos.

click photos for full size image.  If you have a weak stomach, you may want to look away…

If you have any information as to the perpetrators of this horrible Barbie murder scene please let us know!  I think it is hilarious what kids will take a picture of.  Sometimes they come up with really great things from their shorter point of view.

Give a kid a camera, and see what they come up with.  Sometimes you will be surprised what catches their interest.

Any Thoughts???  Please comment.


PS I am working on a new stay at home dad survival guide, if there are any specific things that could be addressed let me know.

My Desk: The Pit of Despair…


Film poster for The Princess Bride - Copyright...

Image via Wikipedia

One of my all time favorite movies is The Princess Bride.  I am not going to summarize it here, but you should watch it if you haven’t.  If you have seen it, watch it again.  It is fantastic.  Anyway, in the movie there is a hidden torture chamber that the albino calls the “Pit of Despairrrrrrrrr” (clears throat) “The Pit of Despair”.  In this pit the hero is tortured and this that and the other happens.

Now, keep that in mind while I tell you this story.  Long time readers of this blog know that my family has undergone some stress in recent years.  A daughter on dialysis, a kidney transplant, a new baby, a new home.  Well all of this has taken it’s toll on my kids.  They have taken it very very well but sometimes things come out that we know is stress related.  We took my oldest son to a counselor to just talk a bit about his feelings.

One of the suggestions that she had for helping him to deal with everything was to pretend to blow up a balloon whenever he was feeling stressed and just let it go.  It worked.  Now we try to get him to blow up balloons when he has too much energy, or is sad, or is mad.  Well, today he was sad.  Some things happened and at the end of it I yelled at him.  The reason is not important.

At bedtime we sit as a family and discuss the day.  This is when I found out that he and my daughter had both blew up several sad balloons, mad balloons and left them on my desk.  So now I have dubbed my desk the Pit of Despair.  And it will be the pit of despair from now on.  Life choices made from this chair of torture, dealings with the world right here from the Pit.  It is kind of fun, and a bit cool to have the pit available.

We name boats, houses, manors and now my desk.  So I ask you good readers, what unusual things do you have names for that are either ironic, silly or fitting?  I want to hear some of these.  I will post a list of my favorites in the next couple of days.  Go on!  Comment!

As you wish, kids, as you wish.


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