As you know by now, my wife and I welcomed number 4 into our family 2 weeks ago. It has been wild this week as he has only been home for this week. We have been trying to get him trained to sleep at night, as well as remember what it is like to raise an infant.
My youngest daughter is now 4 and I kind of took for granted the independent and “grown up” ways of a 4 year old, not to mention 7 and 10. I have been trying to remember how to be the complete caregiver to an infant. Strangely, it is not difficult to handle 4 kids when the older ones are so helpful.
Here is the rub, I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything. We have always wanted 4 kids and now we have been blessed with 2 boys and 2 girls. Our family is now complete. While I wouldn’t trade this experience I am glad we are finished having our family and getting ready for the next step in our lives.
Family is very important. Family is the only thing that will endure any other trial or hardship. As you go into this weekend remember your family. If you have kids, do something with them that doesn’t include electricity. Go play baseball, go fishing, read them a story. Just spend time doing something that isn’t distracting.
If you don’t have kids, do something without electricity with your significant other. Or even go by yourself. Get away from the computer, the television and all of it. Go be with your family.
Have a great weekend folks.