Oddities, Profundities, Profanities and Dad Stuff

Tag: stay at home dad (Page 4 of 6)

Nothing But A Pile Of Sticks: Part 3- Kettlebell Conundrum


Image by goldberg via Flickr

One of the funnest parts about having a ton of people help you move is that several people get to see what you have accumulated.  Luckily I don’t have a porn collection for anyone to find.  You should have seen some of the looks that I got when I was taking my guns out to the car.  Not to mention how uncomfortable one of the good church going guys was when he found the pistol under my mattress.

Among the fun things that people wondered over were the buffalo.  Wait, not the buffalo.  That is just a picture suggested by Zemanta with no discernible link to my article.  Actually the thing people wondered about were my Kettlebells.
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Migraines and Laundry, Which One is Worse? Part 1

I have spent the last couple of days reading so much stuff about how be a successful blogger.  I don’t know if I can take any more advice.  But I did get some good tips so not time wasted, just not spent writing.  So here is what I am going to do with this blog, write it! I will write whatever I want every day.  There may be 2 posts per day. There may even be a series like this one is going to be. Here is part one:

So here goes with some focus actually.  It may or may not be known that I am a stay at home dad.  I have been off and on for the past 8 years so that an actual parent can raise our kids.  My wife is a Nurse and can just make more $$ than I can so when it comes down to it, she is more logical to work than me.  Especially this last go around.  I quit working in April of 07 to go back to school and finish the last few credits of my degree.  About a week later, my 11 month old daughter had a seizure and ended up in the hospital for 16 weeks with kidney failure.  My wife carried the insurance so I took care of the little one as well as the 2 other kids.  And the house.  and the laundry.

The next 2 years I spent 3-4 days per week taking the little one to dialysis because she had her kidney’s removed, and it took that long to get a transplant lined up.  She got the transplant in May of 09, so after all of the followup DR. appointments I am here taking care of the house and the kids again, run of the mill stay at home dad.  Funniest thing is how it pisses off my father the ex Navy SEAL type A personality control freak.  But I digress yet again.  I wrote many blog posts to keep family updated on the baby’s progress at www.carepages.com pagename: ameliarosematthews.

I didn’t start this out to talk about stay at home dad stuff, or even migraines but it may be what it was meant for.  I went downstairs yesterday to catch up on the laundry.

Join us tomorrow for part 2 of the migraine and laundry series. See Part 2 Here

And part 3 Here


Nothing But A Pile Of Sticks: Part 1

Foreclosure, Mortgage Crisis. Deserted House.

Image via Wikipedia

Hello all.  It has been quite a while since I have written anything, let alone a blog post.  This has been a very busy/traumatic/brain bending/insane type of month.  I have barely been on the computer, and nowhere near keeping up with any of my blogs.  So now, I am back like the prodigal son.  And write I will.

Today I want to hit on some of these things that have been happening to my family.  First of all, we have become a statistic.  For bett…well for worse, not for better we have become one of the millions that have been forced from their home by unethical banks that have way too many divisions and wait for their ultimate reward, foreclosure.
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SAHD Friday: Cooking school

Well we finally decided that it was time for my 10 year old and my 7 year old to learn to cook.  A bit at least.  My 7 year old gets to push the buttons on the microwave and put the cheese in the macaroni and cheese.  More will come as he can handle it.

My 10 year old is learning more and more things to cook.  And how to tell if the pasta is done, and how to make Jello.  She is able to turn on the oven and put things in and out.  It is rather nice that the kids are getting old enough to do some things around the house.  It is especially nice when we have to take care of the new baby.

The most surprising thing to me is how quickly they are taking to the chores and learning.  They are learning how to put things together for dinner and they are learning not to be afraid of the stove or the microwave.  I think half of the excitement of cooking for them is being able to use the appliances that have been off limits for so long.

I think one of the most important things that we are all learning is trust.   My wife and I are learning to trust our kids to do things without us showing them how.  The kids are learning that we do trust them.  They are also learning that the things we have been saying for years about the stove being hot and knives being dangerous are true, and not just something we made up to repress the kids with.

This whole journey of letting the kids grow up can be overwhelming.  They will always grow physically.  They will get bigger and need new clothes and shoes no matter what we do.  The trick is to let them grow mentally, adapting to their personalities and aptitudes as they can handle it.

Giving them more responsibility is a fine line between “too much I can’t handle it” and “not enough to keep my interest for long”.  That is a line I constantly test as a parent.  There are things that I remember doing at their ages that my kids are just not ready for yet.  They are coming.  The trick is to  keep them interested so they don’t drift away on you.

They want to mow the lawn now….I am not quite ready to relinquish that yet.  On the front yard people see at least.

Have a great weekend guys, thanks for reading.


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