Oddities, Profundities, Profanities and Dad Stuff

Category: pwc (Page 1 of 4)

I don’t fit into any category you have.

I keep signing up for sites to do some advertising.  Kontiki, Chitika and Google AdSense to name a few.  Each one of these asks what category your blog is in.  The problem is, I don’t fit into any of their categories!  I usually end up putting general and going from there.

This keeps bringing me to a debate.  What is my blogs niche?  Does it even have or need one?   I have read several things by now about the importance of having a niche that is defined.  Well I do to some extent.  I want to write about kettlebells, being a stay at home dad, fishing, car repair, migraines and what I learned from 2 years of my daughters dialysis and subsequent transplant.  This narrows down the field.  I don’t want to do fashion or celebrities, or WordPress finesse.  There are many blogs out there better than mike for that.

I think my category and niche will be me.  My thoughts and collated knowledge on a few subjects that others will find some value from my take.  Right or wrong (according to you) I will express my opinion and let the world take it for what it will.

I still won’t be pigeon-holed into a pre-defined box just to make them happy.  Maybe I will specialize a bit more in the future but for now, my niche is me.  I will sell my own stuff.

Any thoughts on this?  I would love comments or your ideas as well.

I don’t fit into any category and I am OK with that!


When the car is paid off, it falls apart!

February was a good month.  We used our tax return and paid off the last bit of our car!  I wish it was the mortgage but I will take what I can.  Even though I can, I am leery about taking off the comprehensive insurance.   No sooner than we had it paid off, things started to be….not quite right.

Does everyone know what kind of power steering fluid they need to use?  Most people would say “power steering fluid of course.  What kind of a stupid question is that?”.  Turns out it is not a stupid question if you drive a Chrysler vehicle.  That includes all Dodge and I am assuming Jeep as well as Plymouth.  Seems that somewhere in the early part of this century the engineers at Chrysler decided that power steering fluid is not good enough and the whole system needs to be filled with Transmission Fluid.  And they have their own transmission fluid too.  (use ATF+4 folks)

It is very disconcerting to warm up the car so you can take the kids to school and when you come back ready to go, there is a huge pool of transmission fluid on the ground.  It was really bad because the transmission was just over a year old and it took over a month to get done.  But that is another post.  So a huge pool of fluid on the ground and a strange sucking sound darn near made me need to go change my pants.

Luckily, when I got under the thing it was only a hose that had burst.  A quick internet search informed me of the tranny fluid fiasco and it was an easy fix.  I just have a lovely stain on my driveway to show for it.

This is also the time when little things start to break and fall apart inside the car.  And then it makes funny noises that makes me think broken steering support.  An then there is one warped rotor that is not too bad but makes the thing shake like crazy if you are braking from faster than 30 mph.  You get the idea.

But at least it is our car now.  There are days that I hope one of those tailgaiters will just plow into me so we can upgrade.  Without the kids inside of course.

Any other crazy post paid off stories?  I would love to hear them.  Comments and email are below.  I am also kicking around a “minor car repair” forum/information dump thing if anyone would be interested.  There are so many things that sound impressive coming from a mechanic but take some basic tools and an hour of time to fix.  Take brakes for instance.  A new set of front pads installed will run you at least $100 at a shop.  You can do the same job with a couple of socket wrenches, a C clamp and $15-$50 worth of brake pads.  I go with the lifetime warranty ones that are on the lower end and are $23.  I can do a set now in about 45 minutes and that includes a bathroom break.

Maybe I will do an ebook series of repairs as my car falls apart.

Until next time,


Our Fighting Men, Our Peace of Mind.

I found a quote from George Orwell that really struck a chord with me.

“People sleep peacably in their beds at night only because

rough men stand readyto do violence on their behalf.”…..George Orwell

That quote hit me because I never want to forget those brave men and women who have given their lives for freedom and their country.  A large part of being patriotic is remembering those who have gone before us and fought for the freedoms that we enjoy.

I speak as an American, but whatever country you live in there are heroes that have protected that country in the past.  You may be related to them.  You may be them.  To all of you around the world who have served or are serving, no matter the country, I salute you.

I was not able to be in the military and as such I am one of those who sleeps peaceably.  I do however, know and respect the sacrifice of those who serve me.  I have always been and will forever be a staunch supporter of our troops.

I do not believe there will ever be complete peace in the world no matter what the songs may wish for.  Without people willing to protect what we have, we will lose it to those who want to take it.

I always hope for peace that keeps our people at home but I am grateful that they are ready to go at a moments notice.

Please also see my page for our troops: Here.

Any comments would be appreciated!

Justin Continue reading

How I Got Into Kettlebells

It has been over a year now.  I mark the weekend of St. Patricks Day as my official entry into the kettlebell world.  I guess that I could say it was February of 2009 that I started but that was not as memorable.

So here is the chronicle of my rise to the kettlebell.  My wife and I have been looking for something to supplement our weight machine and elliptical.  She asked if I had heard of these “kettle thingies”.  I didn’t realize it but I had.  I remember saying “those are those Russian things that are supposed to be really good exercise.”  I did some research after that and decided that I was right, kettlebells were a great workout.

In February, I went a bought a set of kettlebells at Big 5 sporting goods.  The set had a 5#, 10#, 15#, and 20# and it was on sale.  That is what sold it for me.  I looked up some exercises and started with the 15 and 20#.  I was quickly done with both as they were way too light.

It was St. Patricks Day weekend in 2009 that I bought my first 35# bell and went crazy from there.  Now I have written about how cool kettlebells are for me before.  I have also written about how much time I have spent researching and playing around.  I am fairly content now, using my 35# for most things and my new 55# that I got for Christmas for swings and heavier practice.

I just love using the things.  I don’t do much with the lighter bells anymore.  Even with all the time I spent drilling out the 15# bell I don’t load it up much anymore.  I am teaching my kids to use the bells though.  My 3 year old uses the 5# for “up downs” which are her versions of swings.  This is one of the main reasons that I started with kettlebells.

I want to get healthy and stay healthy.  I want my family to be healthy.  I want my family to have something to do together that will let us go play baseball all day long.  I want my kids to be strong both mentally and physically.  They should be able to lift heavy things.

I would live to hear comments!


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