Oddities, Profundities, Profanities and Dad Stuff

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Podcast 9: Equipment Sucks!

sometimes technology is a pain in the rear end.  Too Many things are not working for me right now. Bah!

download this podcast via iTunes! Link will be coming, look for Catharsis of the Bogue in the podcasts area.

Links from the podcast:



ebay: anvilforgelimited

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SAHD Friday: Raising the Baby

Hey folks, I was inspired today.  I started off to write about how nice it is that my older kids are wanting and able to help with the new baby.

That still will be a focus.  However, my oldest daughter was watching a TV show and the two teenage boys on the show were babysitting.  They obviously didn’t know anything about kids or babysitting and it was hilarious to watch these kids run around and try to get the baby’s diaper changed, and get the baby to sleep.  Really reminded me of the post I was thinking of!

It really reminded me of watching my kids with the new baby. My kids are all about helping us with the baby.  They both really want to feed and water the baby as well as hold him.  OK, water is just kidding.  But they really want to help.  Bath time is fun, they argue over who gets to wash his toes and who gets to lotion his back.

He is very pampered (Groucho voice: “In more ways than one, if you know what I mean.”) by his siblings.  It is exciting to see them want to change a diaper or hold him so that I can use the bathroom or rotate the laundry.  It is nice when they help calm him down when he is crying.

I am glad to give them that chance, I was not old enough to help with my sisters so when my first daughter was born I was very much a rookie.  I hope that my kids will have at least a familiarity with how to care for a new baby.  Except for the new baby that is, he will have to rely on being the Uncle who helps when my oldest has kids in 30 years or so. (is 40 too old for kids????)

Any thoughts or questions?  I would love to hear from you in the comments!


Where do you draw the line?

Hello again.  Today I was looking over my computer and I noticed that I had a ton of ebooks.  I did a search for .pdf files and I came up with over 400 items.  Sure some are check stubs, some are user manuals for snowblowers, generators, tillers and the like but a good portion are e-books.

I have all of these because they seemed like a good idea at the time.  Many are related to my minor obsession with kettlebells.  Many are, lately, related to blogging and business building.  I then looked at my bookmarks in Firefox.  I have a ton of sites saved for later.  I then checked my rss reader and I have better than 50 sites to slog through on there.

I then looked at the jumbled mess of paper on my desk, the top sheet filled with notes on places to look at, affiliate programs to refer back to, forums to visit, and pages to write.

It made me think of the title of this post.  Where do you draw the line and dump all of the old stuff?  Where do you decide to make a break and just go forward?  I talked a bit about this in one of my previous posts: Seeking out the flash we want instead of the stuff we need. Where am I going to dump things that my brain says “yes I REALLY REALLY do want them” and just forget about it.  I can’t tell you how many bookmarks I have that I haven’t touched for years.  There were some on there a while ago that were so old the URL had expired and wasn’t even parked anymore.

I then get to thinking I am getting a handle on it, when I look at my bookshelf and see so many books that I would like to read.  Then I get invites to read something else.  Then I get free books to write reviews on.  But there is TV that is so good right now.  There are all of these movies that I have to watch.  (I have a couple of DVD’s from Xmas 2008 that I haven’t seen yet).

I am facing some truths now.  If I am going to be serious as a blogger and truly treat this as a full time job and be able to expect full time income then I have to break down and prioritze.  I hav4e to actually plan out my day in order to get posts written, novels written, comments out there and other things read.  I am going to have to dump 90% of my bookmarks that I don’t use anyway.  I am going to dump rss feeds that haven’t had a new post for a week.  I am going to visit forums on MWF and not every day.  I am only going to check my alexa and affiliate ranks and balances once a week.  I am going to write like a madman and comment like Ben Lumley or James Richmond.  If you don’t know they comment a lot.  Take that SEO.

So, today is forum day.  I am off.  It is also the start of the Pre-writing challenge!  See my page here! I have 4 ideas starting development right now and more to come this month.

I think I will also sort through all of those ebooks that I am never going to get to.  I can only hope that my ebooks won’t end up in the “never going to read that but maybe some day” file.

Thanks for reading yet again, tomorrow is fiction Saturday!  Part 3 of Death With A Vengeance.

Just a side note, this post was going to be a short one but it now tops 600 words.  This is cool because it is getting easier to write longer the more practice I get.  My biggest story barrier has been breaking 5000 words.  this is fantastic practice!

Until Tomrrow,


Here’s to over-planning and success!

Have you ever hosted a party?  Did you over plan the whole thing and end up with stuff not being done (games) and tons of food not being eaten?  Which is worse, having too much food to dispose of later or, not having enough food?

Cub Scouting

Cub Scouting (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

This past week we had our Cub Scout Blue and Gold banquet.  Ostensibly, it is to celebrate the birthday of Cub Scouting, but it is a lot of fun for the kids.  We had skits and games as well as dinner.  Overall, it wasn’t bad, except for the food.  We ended up with about double the food we needed.  It is hard to plan on what people are going to eat, or not eat.

We told everyone that it was dinner, yet some people ate before they came.  Some didn’t want to eat hot dogs.  Some didn’t want to eat anything but cake.  We had just enough games, and, after earlier editing, just enough skits.

It is hard to plan a big gathering, is what I am getting at.  I am sure people would have been shaking their heads and wanting more food if we didn’t have so much.  What is better?  More or Less?  People were already annoyed that the ketchup packets that the church had for us were fermenting.  (upon further review, they were 2+ years old)  But we had mustard and relish so screw them.

Ultimately, we have too look at the end of the party and gauge whether or not people had a good time.  Extra food or not, People had a good time.  They knew who we were as leaders.  It was much better than last year, much more interactive and less awkward.

So what about it?  Let me know.

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