I had somewhat of a horror movie moment the other day. I took my 4 year old and the baby to the Wal Mart to get the essentials, you know diapers, milk, screws etc. I am, if you haven’t read about it by now, somewhat of a fishing nut. I always want to go fishing, even if I don’t get the chance. So when at Wal Mart, I cant help but walk through the sporting goods section.
It was there that trouble shocked my brain. Now, Amelia, my 4 year old decided to break her foot last weekend so she had to ride in the cart while Tristan, the baby rode in his car seat in the upper deck of the cart. Amelia started talking about how she wanted to go fishing with her pink fishing pole and how she was going to catch a big fish with Daddy. I was so proud. Up until now we give her a bit of line tied to a butterfly plug that she could thrash around with.
I started thinking, her birthday is in 2 months, she will be 5 and she could go fishing for real….hmmm. Let’s get her a tackle box and some hooks and we can go to town. It was at that point she piped up and said how much fun it would be if she could fish with Tristan. I said OK, and then she said she wanted to teach him how to cast. All I could think of then was her tossing back a real live hook and catching the baby. More than once. My daydream vision had multiple hooks in his body and Amelia tossing him into the lake, car seat and all.
Maybe she isn’t ready for a set of real hooks all to herself. I think we can wait another year to jump off of that bridge. I still bought her a pink tackle box and some pink power bait to go in it. We are still going fishing.
Thoughts? Questions? Criticism? Misguided attempts at humor? The comment section is waiting for your fingers to fill it with wisdom.
Have a great weekend.
PS- any ideas for podcasts let me know! I want to talk about what you want to talk about!