Oddities, Profundities, Profanities and Dad Stuff

Tag: kettlebell (Page 2 of 2)

Being a geek can only take you so far…

I have spent way too much time reading about blogging and how to set up my website. I am still trying to fine tune so I don’t feel like I am wasting all of my time but it sure is not getting anything written.

I seem to have this problem that is not exactly procrastination, but it is not focusing correctly. It began a long time ago but it has not been bad until the internet came along. Then came broadband internet and I was in geek heaven. So much research, so little time. Google can be a cruel mistress, but much cheaper than a real one. Have you ever regressed from broadband to dial-up? I almost had a stroke waiting for broadband to return, finally had to go to a cable modem and it is almost fast enough. I am such a junkie.

My most recent issue with over research has been blogging. This past year it has been Kettlebells. I started thinking about them a year ago and researched. Got my first set in February and worked out and researched. Got my 16kg in March and worked and researched. And then researched and researched and researched. I have read so much about kettlebells, proper form, bad form, bad trainers, and the iron itself it is kind of embarrassing. The worst part is I have barely used my bells for all of the research.

I did drill a hole in my 15# bell and added dumbbell plates with a bolt so that I could do heavier swings. That was about the only thing that it was good for but it worked. Then some more research. If there was a test out for the RKC I could probably do it.

Some thumbnails of my 15# kettlebell that now swings at 55#.  Click to Enlarge!

Now it is for real in this new year I am trying to decide exactly how to divide my time between blogging, housework, running the kids around and going back to Pavel’s program minimum from Enter the Kettlebell. Last night I couldn’t even do that, I settled for a bunch of planks, push ups and cobras. Still did something though. Any tips would be appreciated.

For now, my morning writing time is almost up. I have laundry to do (see previous posts, hopefully no migraine today).


Nothing But A Pile Of Sticks: Part 3- Kettlebell Conundrum


Image by goldberg via Flickr

One of the funnest parts about having a ton of people help you move is that several people get to see what you have accumulated.  Luckily I don’t have a porn collection for anyone to find.  You should have seen some of the looks that I got when I was taking my guns out to the car.  Not to mention how uncomfortable one of the good church going guys was when he found the pistol under my mattress.

Among the fun things that people wondered over were the buffalo.  Wait, not the buffalo.  That is just a picture suggested by Zemanta with no discernible link to my article.  Actually the thing people wondered about were my Kettlebells.
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Why do Doctors have all of the time in the world?

I took my 3 year old to her transplant clinic appointment today.

I have taken her to many of them since she was diagnosed with kidney failure, and all through dialysis and now 7 months after her transplant.  It continuously amazes me how those clinics could give a jolly jack fart about your time yet freak out if you are any bit late to the appointment.  Granted some times it is quick but good grief.

Today, after I registered at the hospital (15 mins) and then waited for labs to be drawn (25 mins) I was about 20 minutes late for our appointment.  I thought that we would be next in line and sail through.  But I was of course WRONG!!!  although it was only another 35 minutes of waiting in the waiting room followed by another 20 of waiting in the clinic room.  All told, we spent 2 hours and 20 minutes for what amounted to 5 mins with the doctor and about that with the dietician and the social worker.

Oh well.  what can you do.  It’s not like complaining does any good, they just say that they are busy.  So what exactly is the point of making an appointment?  For that matter, what is the point of not just coming a half hour late?  I am sure you would still have to wait.  I should have brought my ketllebell, that would make them wonder, a sweaty guy swinging iron in the childrens hospital….maybe next month….



www.carepages.com    pagename   ameliarosematthews

Yet another Migraine

I am really not planning on making this my migraine blog but good grief.  I got another one tonight, not too bad on the pain scale but a doozy in the visual disturbance area.  Still can’t pinpoint what causes them.  Today was a good day too.

Got to see my baby again.  My wife is now 12 weeks pregnant and we got to see the baby moving around and being uncooperative.  We were there to do a genetic screening for this baby looking for any abnormalities after our last daughter developed a spontaneous genetic mutation of her kidneys.  We got the screening but it is almost like what is the point?  We are going to keep the baby anyway, but at least we could know early.  Maybe it was stress letdown from keeping the secret to telling all of the family that caused the migraine.  We have been very worried that they would try to rationalize why we would consider another child after the last one was born with kidney failure.  luckily that didn’t happen, or hasn’t been brought up yet.

At least it is almost the new year.  I have a bunch of insurance stuff to do tomorrow so that it will be on this year.  What a party we will have for New Years!  Maybe I will do something with 2010, 2010 kettlebell swings? not likely more like 20 swings then 10.  Maybe 10 get ups or 2 get ups and then 010 get ups.  I will have to work on that one.

Have a great New Year’s Celebration, drive safe and wake up late on Saturday!


www.carepages.com  page: ameliarosematthews


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